Religion has the function to explain the world for People who has no answers. So God is only the one who answers the questions. And if you are interested in answers it makes the person who gives you the ansers interesting. That's why People get interested in God or Religions
We all are 'taught' by parents and society and lean towards Gods because of that. The variations of Gods and religions are interesting but your answer isn't.
That seems to be the case. However, the Bible says this at 1 Corinthians 8:5, 6: "For even though there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many
They all originated within this circle:
You know what the most interesting thing is for me? That every "Gods" have their roots in ancient history. The belief's, like a triune God, the mother of God, a hellfire punishment for eternity. All can be to a starting point. If this is a subject you really are interested in check out this book, Mankind’s Search for God; I found it very informative and I hope you will also....
It is interesting that there are billions of people on the planet who believe in 1 deity or another. The believers far out number the non believers I'd guess. 6/27/23
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