Arts β†’ Art β†’ Artists
  • That is kind of hard to sepearte. It is not that easy when you compare it to advanced artists. The knowledge I see here can deluge into certain effects. I can appreciate the standards of the matter, but the time itself will tell me.
  • Knowledge of the artist affects my appreciation of their art, definitely. Art isn't all aesthetics, it's an idea, and sometimes you have to understand the person behind that idea to fully appreciate their art. The life of an artist is art in itself as far as I'm concerned.
  • There is art that I like, and artists that I respect. The best example I can offer is the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. The best laid out single artist museum I've seen. At you go up you get a feel for his mind set at different stages. I don't like many of his paintings and sketches, but I respect his overall body of work.
  • What an amazing question! Probably the best one on here for a while! When I look at a piece of art I try to establish what it is that the artist is trying to represent, I initially look at the painting and then I will read the little card thing to the side that says who the artist is (although sometimes this is not necassary) and a little story about the painting. For example, when I first went to the Louve and saw the Mona Lisa, I thought it was nothing more then a simple portraight, I got to the hotel that night and read a little on the gallery, the next day I was fully imersed in her smile for hours! The artist name never occured to me
  • I can separate the two; but, often times knowing the behind the sceen story makes the art more alive. Take the story behind Vincent Van Gogh; I think that knowing the pain and mania that helped him create his art just makes them more poignent to look at. You can see it in his works. They go from being just beautiful works of art to being something deeper--something alive.
  • definitely! salvador dali was a jerk, so was jackson pollack, but i like their work. i could probably name more, but those are the only two that come to mind right now ;)
  • For me it's easy, because I usually admire the art first, and then think to find out about the artist.
  • I think I am able to separate the two. I am highly interested in African sculpture, even if I never went there. So I think I am able to appreciate works of art without knowing the artist. In cases where I know the artist, this knowledge does not overshadow my ability to make a judgment of the work. My artist friends like me because I do not flatter them all the time. I try to be honest about my opinion. Even great artists produce not so great work once in a while, and they know it themselves.
  • I look at the works that they do and evaluate it by the amount of work involved and the level of detail. So to answer your question, I can separate the artist from their work.
  • I can separate the two. But, I thoroughly enjoy looking at any kind of art (paintings, music, writing, etc.) and comparing knowledge of the art on it's own with knowledge of the artist and what context the artist made the art.
  • In a world where mass productions are happening all the time and sweat shops are creating paintings that are not signed, I want to know the back story to any painting that I consider purchasing. I want to know who painted it and why. Personally I prefer purchasing works painted by children, struggling artists, artists with disabilities or art created to raise money and awareness for charity.
  • A knowledge of the former gives me insight regarding the heart and intent of the Artist. Sometimes knowing about the artist helps me see the art on another level.
  • Wonderful question. I personally know two women artists and bought a few pieces from each of them. In later years they revealed themselves to be other than what I had thought. I could not separate their art from their personalities. The pieces I had previously thought beautiful enough to pay for were now ugly and I gave them away--didn't even want money for them. So in this case, no, I was not able to separate the artist from the art. If I do not have personal interactions with the artist I view the art for the sake of the art alone.

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