• An organism is referred to as being homozygous (Basically meaning of the same alleles) at a specific locus when it carries two identical copies of the gene affecting a given trait on the two corresponding homologous chromosomes (e.g., the genotype is PP or pp when P and p refer to different possible alleles of the same gene). Such a cell or such an organism is called a homozygote. A homozygous dominant genotype occurs when a particular locus has two copies of the dominant allele (e.g. PP). A homozygous recessive genotype occurs when a particular locus has two copies of the recessive allele (e.g. pp). Pure-bred or true breeding organisms are homozygous. For example a homozygous individual could have the allele combinations PP or pp. All homozygous alleles are either allozygous or autozygous wikipedia
  • carries two copies of the same allele for a gene
  • In a living organism, Homozygous means having two identical alleles for a given trait. Hope this helps

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