• 1) "Denominationalism is an ideology which views some or all Christian groups as being, in some sense, versions of the same thing regardless of their distinguishing labels. Not all churches teach this. The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches do not use this term as its implication of interchangeability does not agree with their theological teachings. There are some groups which practically all others would view as apostate or heretical, and not legitimate versions of Christianity." 2) "Baptist is a term describing individuals belonging to a Baptist church or a Baptist denomination" " Baptist distinctives are beliefs that are common among almost all Baptist churches. Baptists share so-called "orthodox" Christian beliefs with most other moderate or conservative Christian denominations. These would include beliefs about one God, virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, vicarious atoning death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Christ, the Trinity (the divinity of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, together with God the Father), the need for salvation (though the understanding of means for achieving it may differ at times), grace, the church, the Kingdom of God, last things (Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge everyone in righteousness), evangelism and missions." Here you can find information about the Baptist denomination and sub-denominations: 3) "The Baptist World Alliance is a worldwide alliance of Baptist churches and organizations, formed in 1905 at Exeter Hall in London during the first Baptist World Congress." More information here: I do not think you were meaning this Alliance in your question, as this alliance is not a denomination. 4) "The Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) is an Evangelical Protestant denomination within Christianity. Founded by Rev. Albert Benjamin Simpson in 1887, the Christian & Missionary Alliance did not start off as a denomination, but rather began as two distinct parachurch organizations: The Christian Alliance which focused on the pursuit and promotion of the Higher Christian life and The Evangelical Missionary Alliance, which focused on mobilizing "consecrated" Christians in the work of foreign missionary efforts. These two groups amalgamated in 1897 to form The Christian and Missionary Alliance." "The C&MA has much in common with other evangelical Protestant denominations. Three things distinguish it: (1) a greater emphasis on missions and missionaries (especially foreign missionaries), (2) a greater emphasis on Jesus' role as a physical healer, and (3) an emphasis on the doctrine of sanctification, influenced by, but distinct from, that of the Holiness movement. This is sometimes described as "the deeper Christian life"." More information about this:
  • The differences are very small in reality. Denomination comes from the Latin word for name. It is just a name given to one group who had a slight disagreement over a probably not very significant point of doctrine. In Australia, largely because of the influence of the great Billy Graham, our denominations have learnt to cooperate on a much greater level, and we move between them as the Spirit calls us. I grew up as an Anglican, but have worshipped in a Baptist church, served as minister's wife back in the Anglican church, and now my husband works for Wesley International Congregation Sydney, which is charismatic. No denomination is perfect. They are useful tools for serving. If you want to truly serve the Lord, sometimes it is necessary to switch denominations, not out of spite or anger, but just to find a niche. Sure, sometimes there will be things you might not totally agree with, but sometimes you can overlook the unimportant as long as the important is held to.

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