• Eggs, bacon, tater tots, fried tomatoes, fried bread, fried mushrooms, sausage, fresh fruit, yogurt, baked beans, a croissant, hot chocolate, tea or coffee, juice, and optional cold or hot cereal.
  • baby, baby back ribs.. No sry I just couldn't resist the old joke =/ For me it's a fresh shrimp and asparagus omelet and some good old fashion buttermilk pancakes with maple syrup. I am an American staying in Spain a year now and we don't have pancakes here. It's pure torture =/
  • Two "answers" for the same Q: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 My personal favorite breakfast: I ALWAYS serve the lady in my life "Breakfast in Bed". Why not? Once in a while I think she deserves to be spoiled a little bit. (If you don't know how to cook, you could go to a fast food restaurant or any restaurant which serves breakfast and buy a couple breakfasts "to go".) When I want to have my personal favorite - a memorable "Breakfast in Bed", I have to "set THE mood"! Favorite flowers: Except for one rose bush, I don't have a garden. I usually buy a bunch or two of in-season flowers. "THE Goddess" (the lady in my life) isn't very fond of roses. Favorite music: Frank Sinatra. Candles - even in the daylight. Fresh-squeezed orange juice A wedge of in-season melon. Since I know how to cook, I make her favorite breakfast: cheese omelet. Once in a while I make a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit or even frozen waffles. I KNOW it's not the food - it's the thought. Coffee or tea. And one of her favorite morning cocktails: Bloody Mary; mimosa, etc. I ALWAYS use the tray and serve everything using the "good" china, glassware/crystal, flatware ("silver ware") and linen! We enjoy breakfast AND each other's company! How often do I make it? About once every two or three months: Not often enough. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222 Fresh-squeezed Florida Orange Juice. Eggs Benedict: The eggs MUST be freshly poached. The English muffin, fresh from the toaster or broiler. The Canadian bacon, warmed - NOT dried-out or rubbery! With fresh-made Hollandaise sauce. Hold the truffle! I never did "acquire" the taste for them. Well-done home fries with extra onion! AND IF anything isn't as I expect, I know how to constructively criticize. BUT this is why I prefer making my own meals. Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: I do this LOTS of times - not just for Mother's Day, Father's Day, her birthday or our "anniversary" but any day! It goes A LONG WAY to strengthen and fortify our relationship! Was in the Food and Beverage business over 26 years. "THE University of Hard Knocks"

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