• helo, how are u doing. well as to me, i don't really know whether u yourself, your ready to bear a kid; but i would advise you to calmly talk to her and come to a conclusion. now if ur willing to bear a kid, then u should advise her to come back to u if she still loves u. I don't know what would hurt her if she comes back to u, may be the way u treat her. But all in all is she gives birth, the baby has to have a father and mother; parental love is vital to babies. Now if u have been treating her in a funny way, it time to change. now that she is pregnant, treat her like a baby, she will change her mind. i wish u good luck, have a nice time with ur girl friend.
  • move on find another one..DON'T be a jerk again. Be bolder then other man.
  • Are you not a jerk anymore? I don't know what you mean by being a jerk, but it seems like you need to do some soul searching as to why you acted that way in the relationship. What triggered it, and what kind of satisfaction did you get from the behavior? There's no real relationship if you don't value the other's feelings. I think if you can show her that you have actually done some soul searching she would be more likely to take you back.
  • You don't say what "being a jerk" means.. perhaps "afraid of being hurt" is a clue. You hurt her. There is only one way to show you're not a 'jerk' - don't be a jerk for along time, until she believes you. That could be 6 months, maybe more. Perhaps less. That means being faithful to the woman who spurns you. NO one night stands no FWB .. you get the idea. It might be easier to learn from this and not act the jerk with a new girl. She'll be much easier to convince.
  • Step 1: Adopt Kitten Step 2: Post kitten pictures on Facebook. Step 3: Help an old lady cross the street. Step 4: Post old lady photos on Facebook. Step 5: Take a homeless man out to dinner. Step 6: Post photos of homeless guy at Mcdonalds on Facebook. Step 7: Make her a mix-tape with songs like Jewel's "You Were Meant for Me" and Aerosmith's "I don't want to miss a thing". If all else fails, beg
  • Plan a surprise picnic by the beach. Tell her to close her eyes and when she does pull down your pants and fart in her face. Works every time.
  • It's rare that people will buy into somebody just magically changing overnight. This kind of thing usually takes time. If you're really not a jerk, it will show in the long run.

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