• Because it would hurt someone else.
  • Stealing is condemened in the Bible. Thieves will not inherit God's kingdom. 1 Cornithians 6: 9-11 What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men,  nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of YOU were. But YOU have been washed clean, but YOU have been sanctified, but YOU have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God.
  • If you understand the difference between right and wrong you would not need to ask this silly question. If everyone could steal from everyone else, fifty dollars at a time even... exactly what state of existence do you think we would all live in?
  • Because it's wrong.
  • it's just not right. the only thing i could possibly steal would be food. i'd have to be desperate.
  • Because I was caught shoplifting many moons ago and it scared the poop out of me..and the fact that it's stealing and wrong.
  • Because it would damage my sense of personal honor
  • Its just not right, stealing in the long run has instant Karma that you can't see until your Karma comes around to bite you back, sometimes Karma waits until you take your last breath, so why chance it.
  • It's illegal, it's ethically wrong, you are harming someone, it's not yours.
  • Because it's not the right thing to do. Especially if you can pay for it or don't really need it. Now if it's a situation like Huriacan Katrine I say steal all the food and water you can get your hands on. It's either that or die.
  • The first thing that I'd say is simply that it's wrong. It's stealing - it's not yours. It would leave some with a guilty conscience, never mind the legal aspects of being caught.
  • Because I'm not separate from the whole of life, including the store's owners. I don't have to know them personally to see that stealing from them dishonors that relationship between myself and them, and between myself and the whole. And I can see that honoring this broadest-possible relationship is the basic glue that holds my own "clarity of being" together -- it's the source of being satisfied and fully alive. To violate it is to damage myself far more than anything I'd be doing to them. EDIT = = = = = = = = = = Jodie (in response to your comment): The broader question here is "what is the final basis for morality?". I hold that there are various "levels" to moral development, each with it's own "motive" for doing good and avoiding bad: "Child": I might get caught. Punishment and reward is the lowest level of moral motive... it's completely self-centered, and cares nothing for principles or others. If a child can get away with stealing, and this is their level of moral development, they will steal. "Adolescent": Black and white rule-based: People at this level tend to have very rigid rules about what actions are right and what are wrong, but lack a coherent understanding of why. The moral motivation at this level is still ego-based, although it's more subtle and abstract: "I don't steal because I'm a good person and stealing is wrong". The ego wants to maintain it's coherence as a "good person", and that is a much more powerful and effective regulator of behavior than punishment/reward. Still self-centered, but a big improvement over "child" level morality. "Paternal": Concern and care based: This level can best be represented by a mother overseeing her own and other children playing together. The mother's attention is mostly directed outward at the children, wanting to ensure they're safe, provide mentoring lessons, teach fair play, etc. There's not much ego left in the motive, it's all about the kids. The mother doesn't steal because it's totally inconsistent with what she's committed to accomplishing. It's unlikely the thought would even cross her mind. "Universal": Inter-identity based: At this level, the relationship between the individual and others is seen as the true basis of being. That is, "I" is defined in a way which is intricately interwoven with the whole of humanity: "I am responsible for all of humanity" is the way one holds one's own self-definition. Think Gandhi, MLK, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa as pinnacle examples... people who recognize a basis for their own being which is much broader than "me and mine", or "me and my nation". If you are the world, who would you be stealing from, and what would your motive for doing so be? You already own it all, in a sense.
  • If I felt within myself that I shouldn't do something, or I really have to think about if I have to do it or not. Then nine times out of ten I shouldn't be doing it. Besides the way my parents raised me or what God wants me to do, you and I have a inner person that tells us who and what we are. As long as I have a pumping heart and someone has a car that needs washing or a lawn that needs cutting I will have to tell you, no thank you, I can't.
  • Because I believe what goes around comes around. I steal something worth $50 ... something of mine gets stolen that is worth $150. I steal something worth $150 ... something of mine gets stolen that is worth $450, etc. I don't believe that you can just go around taking what you like, when you like. If it isn't yours, don't take it.
  • Because my freedom is worth more than 50 bucks, or any insurmountable amount you could imagine.
  • basically when boiled down to the core, the true answer for the majority of people is social indoctrination. It is the way we were raised, indoctrinated so to speak and that is not alays a bad thing sometimes it simply happens as a result of consequences. We have been told to 'not steal so therefore we don't steal. We live in a socially conscious global state rather than a primitive one.
  • Interesting question. Some wouldn't for moral reasons, others for religious ones, others for social reasons or fear of reprisal, other's ego would not allow it. Then there are those that WOULD STEAL $50 no sweat. I guess mine would be moral sometimes, others social, fear of getting caught .... And maybe , depending, I might steal too.
  • 1) it's against my beliefs- You shall not steal (Exodus 20) 2)it hurts everyone, sending prices up to compensate for lost revenue.
  • Stealing anything will ruin your future life. a shoplifting conviction stays on your record, the rest of your life. Applying for a government job? forget it! your shoplifting conviction will stop your application cold in its tracks. Need more?
  • It is wrong to steal.
  • Fear of getting caught. Not proud of the answer, but it's the truth.
  • Don't want to mess up my karma.
  • I have two key factors that don't allow me to steal: - My good life. - My good principles. But if one of above misses I'll steal with no hesitation I think... And I think that the reference of price in the question is for me irrelevant...
  • Like you know, it doesn't matter the amount. If you steal something, you detract from your own self-worth. And at the end of the day, you are what you have cultivated in your own life. Whatever is negative is going to bring you down and deplete who you are. The positive... the strong choices, the selflessness, the conscience... that is the person that is in the present moment and who is choosing to be worth so much that all good things will naturally come to them.
  • I value my integrity more than $50.
  • I'm afraid I would get caught. I don't need the money. It isn't worth the money.
  • Because it is wrong.
  • I would only steal something I needed and I could not possibly need anything over $50. only food or a drink maybe clothes if i hit that low of a point in my life
  • It's just not worth the risk of getting caught...not to mention the embarrassment.
  • The way I was raised.
  • i wouldnt want anyone to steal 50 dollars from me or my store... therefore i shouldnt steal from others. its a moral choice, to do good to others & no harm ...and its wrong now, that said, am i going to condemn someone who stole $50 worth of food or medicine etc from me or my store? someone desperate to help their family? of course not, but i will tell them to stop it... and ask me please, for what they need and i will still graciously help them, overflowingly. and most good folks will.
  • Because stealing is bad. And my conscience wouldn't let me. I wouldn't be able to sleep from guilt and i'm prepared to do that. It suck's in a way but yeah I couldn't if I tried.
  • Because i proberly get caught,therefor i'd have to steal something expensive for it to be worth the risk.
  • It's not mine. I want others to respect my property, so I must respect theirs. Simple as that.
  • I don't steal.
  • getting caught it's hurting someone else? maybe for ma and pa shoppes but do you really think walmart needs another $50?
  • It is very easy to go to sleep at night with a clear conscience. Besides, I am NOT going to explain to GOD on judgement day why I had to have that 50.00 item. I am sure whatever excuse I could come up with would sound lame to Him.
  • because it would not be worth possibily ruining my life for sooo little!!!
  • Because you could get caught. or Because you don't need it (depending on what it is).
  • Not worth it.
  • My two options: 1) I'd might get caught 2) What if I was the owner?
  • my kids are worth more than that, no matter what the item was even if we needed it, my kids need me more than any item. Also i believe stealing is wrong!!!!!! legally and morally, it sucks when someone steals off you and you wouldnt want someone to feel that feeling.
  • Because i wouldn't want anyone to do it to me..... why should i do it to someone else?
  • Cos im not that desperate (yet)
  • If it doesn't belong to me or I can't buy it I don't want it.
  • I have a sense of right and wrong. That comes under the category of wrong.
  • Because I hate thieves more anything else in this world and I don't want to hate myself.
  • I hate people who steal and I think they should have there hands cut of like they did in the olden days and that's all the reason I need not to do it.
  • It's just not the kind of person that I want to be. I respect myself and others too much to stoop so low.
  • The Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not steal.
  • It is an unloving thing to cause loss to someone else, and is displeasing to our creator.
  • stealing is bad
  • First; I do NOT want ANYTHING that I have not worked for or earned , myself .... excepting gifts etc .... NOTHING "Stolen" .... 2nd; I can't picture myself going to Jail or Prison for a lousy $50 .... IF I go to Prison, it will because of something BIG .. like hitting up an armored car / truck .... BIG MONEY !! J/K .. I don't TAKE anything that is not my right to have ...
  • Hard to explain, but stealing anything would just feel wrong. Like I'd be helping to throw the universe off-center or something. Not only that, which is bad enough, but the reason -- greed and/or selfishness -- would make the theft even worse.
  • it wouldn't fit in my pocket
  • Because I don't want the consequences. I wouldn't like how it would affect my relationship with my friends, and my parents. There are times to break the rules but that isn't one of them.
  • I do not steal. It is wrong.
  • Because I wouldn't steal anything from any store, no matter what the cost of it is. It's wrong to steal for many reasons. It's against the law, but wrong morally too.
  • Because it is rude and I have more respect than that.
  • Self respect. +5

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