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Yes. The other boys look like you, so you feel safe thinking about sexual experimentation with them. At 14, many boys will be too frightened of girls to think of sexually experimenting with them.
Yes. its ok. I agree with above answer.
Don't get caught up in gay stuff. Don't touch or look at another boy's penis.
yes i am 16. and i sometimes masturbate. or have oral sex with my friend. i asked my health teacher and she said it was fine. so yes it is ok to experiment with boys.
to be honest ive always wanted to experiment with one of my friends but never did. so you should go ahead and do it. it will boost your self-confidence to better yourself with women
i dont know why there are 5 supporting answers here... but if you are thinking about experimenting with another boy you have to realize that something funky probally happened in your young childhood to make you so confusssed with your sexual orientation at only 14. its not bad at all to be curious, but experiementing with your friend will just make you more confussed in the end. its fine if your gay, but i dont think you should have your mind made up by 14...
its normal, have fun
When you experiment with other boys ... you are learning. It is good to learn about the differences in others. Just don't feel that what you have - makes you better.
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