Are you sure they're REAL Viagra and not placebo?
Now that would worrying me!
You are probably using too much, you build up a tolerance with all drugs after which their effect is much less than it was initially.
Probably because Viagra doesn't work sometimes.
i have the same problem,maybe Pfizer can tell us if their employees are stealing themain ingredient that goes in our pills.It seems at least one in three are working. Some seem to be duds. Maybe I will switch to Cialis if Pfizer doesnt fix this! I take 2and it seems to work really good if they arent duds. Sometimes 2 equals the action of one 50 mg pill, telling me that one of the pills is lacking the drug.
Impotency breaking all bounds
Viagra has a number of things that will reduce its' effectiveness. What you eat is a big one. I have found if I have a big meal before taking it often it doesn't work properly. Taking it on an empty stomach is your best bet.
Can't say, don't need it!
The same reason painkillers sometimes do not work. Just because you have taken medicine does not mean it's impact will be the same (if at all) every time. The body doesn't always respond to medicine - could be tolerance or could be something else in the blood counteracting it.
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