• I heard Toby McGuire (sp?) doesn't want to return for another movie. So either they find a way to kill him off... subsitute in a new actor, or just make him look less "human" and more spider, then I don't think there will be a next one Hope that helps
  • I know that Kirsten Dunst will not be returning to do Spider-Man
  • Of course there is a next one. Dude, Spider-Man questions? I specialize in Spider-Man questions. And the next movie is rumoured to star Tobey Maguire too. But when contacted Tobey said that if the script was good, he would surely do it. But he also said that he was getting kinda bored of the same role and didnt want to be a type cast. If you ask me, Tobey fits Peter Parker's and Spider-Man's role perfectly. He was made for that role. Its a pity he is getting bored of it considering the latest movie shattered all records with its 148 million in its first three days, according to the studio estimates. With $59.3 million on opening day Friday, Sony's "Spider-Man 3" broke the single-day box-office record, also held by "Dead Man's Chest" with $55.8 million in its first day. Here is the list of the top ten contenders. 1. "Spider-Man 3," $148 million. 2. "Disturbia," $5.7 million. 3. "Fracture," $3.4 million. 4. "The Invisible," $3.1 million. 5. "Next," $2.8 million. 6. "Lucky You," $2.5 million. 7. "Meet the Robinsons," $2.46 million. 8. "Blades of Glory," $2.3 million. 9. "Hot Fuzz," $2.1 million. 10. "Are We Done Yet?", $1.7 million And by the way, Spider-Man never ends. He has countless enemies (115 to be exact) and one or the other will always appear to try and kill Spider-Man. As he says in his latest movie "Where do all these guys come from?"
  • There are supposed to be 6. Spider-Man helmer Sam Raimi recently spoke with the SCI FI Wire website and revealed that Sony Pictures has plans to make a total of six films in the superhero franchise. "I've heard Amy Pascal [chairman of Sony's motion picture group] say she wants to make six Spider-Man pictures. ... So I think she's a woman of her word. And if she says there'll be six, there'll be six.
  • 6 including the 3 already released, if all goes as it is supposed to

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