At times, normally when I am not posing I get better picture results.
Yes!!!!!! lol This photo was taken recently, a few weeks ago at club. Me and my brother as always, lol
Am I Ever!!!
Very... It's sad I look way better in pictures. See: (I'm a drunken sailor)
Nope, and I don't care.
No and no.
Yes, but I still hate having my picture taken for some reason.
I am very photogenic.
I'm not even good looking in the flesh. I'm worse in a photograph and I'm used to it, so I don't mind.
Not really, and no.
not so much
absolutely not, see:
No any pics i am in 'stink' big time. if i am posing for a pic it turns out horrible. if it's one when I am not aware of it being taken it is not so bad.
Nope. Not at all.
Can't you tell?
You tell me. I think I look dreadful.
4-17-2007 WOW!
I can be, but tend to look like a completely different person in each picture I take, so not always.
People tell me that all the time.
hell no why do you think I don't post my real pic here. Wouldn't want to give you all terrifying nightmares lol
not so gatherings I try to avoid the camera
I would say yes :)
No, I am the opposite of photogenic!
not so much my son is tho check out his picture, jenna is into photography and loves to take pictures of our son.
4-17-2007 Nice!
Not even close. My sister recently posted a picture of one of her childhood birthday parties with me in it on her website. Everyone else is just smiling and looking at the camera or at each other. I have a dreadful look on my face and my mouth is WAY far open. I guess bad pictures just come naturally to me. *sigh* My daughter's very photogenic though. She enjoys "posing" for "photo shoots" after she gets dressed up. She always sticks out her tongue and contorts herself, and STILL looks adorable.
No I am not
Duh, Jenna.
From the upper left side I am. From the lower right side I look like Fred Flintstone in pictures. Yabba Dabba Doo! >:o/
Not really, no. :)
Not at all.
Not particularly.
Sadly, yes.
I don't think so at all , no
you decide.
4-17-2007 Beautiful!
Now, this is why I use a generic Answerbag avatar.
No, I don't think so!
Not at all, hence the avatar.
I don't know? Perhaps you can tell me.
4-17-2007 Muscles!
Eh, not really. Most of the time, my picture just turns out whatever. Sometimes it's decent, but I would say just bleh.
Not really. I rarely see a photo of myself that I like.
everyone is going to say no, well, not everyone, there are a select few that don't wince at the glimpse of a mirror. i look the same. not better, not worse. so that's somethin'. i guess.
Yep. In fact I generally look better in photographs than in real life.
i'm pretty photogenic but im self conscious about my nose. i think its too big and i only let ppl take picture from angles that i make sure wont make me look like pinnochio. lol
ewwwwwww no i'm not.
Nope. I look really funny in most photos. This is what I look like: :)
as an old Aussie saying goes 'I am as ugly as a bag full of arseholes'...I break camera lens very quickly
No Every time someone (or myself, sadly) try to take a picture of me, THIS is what happens
I used to be but now that I have gotten a little older it seems I perfer the neck up pictures : 0
some folks tell me yeah, i don't think so
depends on what type of day i'm having...
I am somewhat photogenic, not super photogenic but ok.
Omg No. I am the same way as the No 1 answer. If I pose, ugly, I can't stand to look at results. If I am unaware the pic is being taken, not so bad.......maybe even great. Funny about that but true. My friends pics all turn out good.
Yep! :D
I'd kinda like to know why you're asking.... can't be for survey purposes as thye results would be completely meaningless.... "100% of people who thought they were really good looking reluctantly admitted they were photogenic" Mind you at 56 I'm no better looking in person than photograph. or vice versa.. I look like hell either way
jaysus no!
not my opinion anyways. check my avatra pic...thats me (really high res) so its kinda hard to tell takes a long time for me to get a good pic
You tell Me!
I would hope so
Not at all... :(
I don't know, actually. What I do know is that I usually think I look very different in photos as opposed to real life. Not better or worse, just different.
not at all...I hate having my picture taken
hahahahaha really? hahaha nope i'm not.
I am very photogenic. I used to do modelling in my younger days. I was approached by a lot of photographers. I feel like I am boasting now but I'm not. It's just a fact. I think there are lots of photographic people out there. Some are not even "handsome" or "beautiful", but their faces are interesting.
No, I'm terribly shy and I hate having my photo taken. I don't even want a photo of myself.
I am always the one behind the camera.So, does that answer your question?:)
Nope. It's one of the reasons why I didn't answer the "What do you look like" question here on Answerbag.
I dont think so.:)
Ummmm....sometimes, not always.. I tend to look like a rabbit when I smile in pictures, lol..
Meh, kind of.
I don't believe I am.
No not at all, I hate having my pic taken. I love to take them of other people though.
Nope. Not at all!
Some days yes, other days not so much.
oh yea law enforcement agencies all over the country have my picture
Not particularly well no. I look fatter
you tell me...
4-17-2007 ?
I always wince with horror when I see a photograph of myself. I think, looking at old photographs, that the ones that were taken of me ten years ago, or before, don't look quite so bad, and the ones taken twenty years ago look fairly reasonable. My consolation, when I see a photograph of me taken recently is that in twenty years or so, if I'm still around, this picture will look vastly better than I will do then, and then I will think that the photograph taken now doesn't look so bad. So perhaps it's not so bad after all. Most of the photographs of me were taken at graduation ceremonies with happy students and their parents. Wearing silly clothes in bright colours---Sorry, academic costume---is a good way to distract attention from shortcomings in one's own physiognomy and anatomy and the robes always look good in photographs. So if you aren't beautiful, wear a beautiful hat, and nobody will notice.
I always make a raptor turtle face, it's sort of repulsive to me.
no,dont like getting my photo taken
I always look terrible in a photo. Except once. I looked great, but everyone around me looked terrible, is it me or was it them? Who knows!
I'm sort of 50-50. If I photograph myself I seem to be pretty photogenic but if other people photograph me I am NOT photogenic at all. I was a really photogenic toddler though. lol
i dont think any more than any other average person im more photogenic then not
I hate pictures of myself, much better looking in person.
No. People seem to think im quite god looking but in photos i look like an oopah loompah :(
Face no, body yes, strange how that works out
I used to be very photogenic, but not now!
No. I'm better on the other side of the camera.
I'm very much average.
no i dont think i am, my pics are on my profile page. so you can see for yourself.:)
I hate taking pictures. Something about the "pose" that always makes me look cheesy. My best photos are taken when Im not looking.
I photograph well but i look like hell in pictures
Heck no! Once, when I was in grade school, they had to threaten the photographer at GUNPOINT--just to get him to agree to let me in the class photo!!! :b
Yes. I pose well and always smile.
From the neck down :)lol
when the face is edited... yes.
Yes, I am quite so. I had my first modelling assignment in Japan at age six. I nearly started earlier, but my baby brother was preferred to me. I have posed for many photo album books. I also appeared in movies. I travelled around the world posing for these books. Some have such titles as "Lady Malaga", "Lady New York:, "Lady Casablanca", etc. I was paid $400,000 for each book.
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