• Sounds like you may have a virus. Hopefully you have anti-virus protection. If so, run the program to see. If not, you need to get some now.
  • There are a lot of things that could have happened here. Your browser may have been hijacked. You may have been infected with a virus, trojan or worm. Your system files seem to have been altered. Having an up-to-date anti virus program might help cure your problem, but these programs can only disinfect what they know. They cannot repair a broken Windows installation. You may need the help of a trusted professional to diagnose your PC. Or you may be really lucky and an anti virus program might cure your problem. Using system restore might take you back to a healthy state before the incident happened, but only if the infection (or whatever it is) did not infect your restore points. Good luck.
  • After you fix the problem, get rid of Limewire. Any peer to peer program leaves your system wide open for anyone and anything to get inside. Limewire -- and viruses the use it to move -- have crashed more than one computer.

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