Sort of. If you use professional, high-quality products, then it is unlikely that you will experience the common build-up, coated feeling you would experience with low-quality products. However, low-quality products will likely give-you the feeling of weight-down, coated hair after used for a few days. If this is the case, then it wouldn't hurt to change shampoo. Some conditioners help reduce shampoo build-up, so be sure to use conditioners as well. When it comes down to it, if you're going to buy a cheap shampoo, you're going to get a cheap wash. Consult your local professional hair salon for further advice.
Switching from one shampoo to another is probably not going to remove the build-up, which is what makes your hair look dull and dirty even after you've just washed it. While high-quality (professional) shampoos and conditioners are designed to leave little residue, only some professional shampoos will actually help remove the waxy residue that has built up from using low quality products. I've heard of many home remedies to remove the build up, but the one I've personally found most effective came from my sister-in-law/hairstylist... Even if you aren't a professional, anybody can purchase build-up removal products like "Malibu" or "Ion" from beauty supply stores (like Sally's Beauty Supply.) General Tip: The more heavily scented a shampoo or conditioner is, the more likely it is to leave a heavy, waxy build-up.
I used to work as a hairdresser until as of a few years ago Half of what you have been told on here so far is not true. first of all it's not true that cheaper products leave build up infact scientific studies carried out and repeated by consumer institue in New Zealand show that many professional products contain similar if not the same ingredients as many of the supermarket lines do. I was taught the whole, `only purchase proffesional products' bit too when I worked and trained in the industry. what I found after I left it is a whole lot of studies, which have shown otherwise. Infact many of the professional products that claim to build body into fine hair, simply put a residual ingredient into them so everytime you shampoo it leaves a bit more residue each time, making the hair slightly more stiff. A bit like mouse would, but not to the same degree. This does make the hair look more full and thick because it makes the hair stick up more from the roots which give the illusion of body and fullness. Over time this residue starts to break down from your hair so after about two to three weeks of continued use it stops working. Hence being told to have two shampoos, one to switch to when not using the other. Best thing is to not listen to all the hype, all shampoo is, is a detergent base containing sodium lauryl sulphate in most cases. This ingredient is simply a foaming agent, which does nothing besides make the shampoo lather up! it does not in any way clean your hair. It is simply put into soaps, shampoo, shaving foam, bubble bath, pet shampoo's, dish washing liquids and many other products, for the psychological effect it has on the user. You see a study was done some years back now, which showed people won't purchase personal cleaning products if they don't lather up. We all seem to think the more bubbles, the more effective it is right? WRONG! The more bubbles the more of the chemical it has in it. This chemical has been loosely related to brain tumors as it produces an enzyme which is released into the air when the bubbles burst and you breath the enzyme in. None of these studies have been definitive as of yet, but scientist are concerned enough that the U.S, FDA (The American Food and Drug Administration) had a warning on their website about it and only recommended a certain percentage of products containing sodium lauryl sulphate be present in your household At one stage I saw the warning on their website I am not sure whether it is still there? There are other similar chemicals not as harsh on your skin too. One of these is Amonium Lauryl Sulphate, which is supposadly not as likely to cause dermatitis apparently. Us hairdressers are notorious for getting this skin disease through not washing the shampoo off of our hands properly when shampooing clients. Which is why you should always wash your scalp out thoughroughly after using shampoo. I have seen so many elderly and even young kids with skin diseases on their scalp due to the chemicals in the shampoos Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is often the culprit. You are meant to have natrual oils in your hair not stripping them right out. If you go for a supermarket product try good brand names such as Swarzkopft or Loreal or even Wella they will probably all contain Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, as these days most products do but they should all have water listed first on the ingredient list as this means they are more diluted sodium lauryl sulphate will probably be listed second. ingredients are always listen in order based on how much of each they have in them if it has more water then water is listed first etc. The basic fact is this, whether any company likes it or not they are full of bull, most of the fruit additives and special enhancers and volumisers are bollocks they simply are just gimmicks, which in most cases have no scientific fact, I can't believe I used to believe the product technitions who were just rabbiting back what they had been brainwashed with! Real scientist won't back up their claims get a book called dont go to the cosmetics counter without me or the other book don't go shopping for haircare products without me this has the raw facts The best thing is to make your own shampoo from 100% pure soap using a cheese grater to grate quarter of a bar into flakes and place into one litre of boiled water that is still hot and let it melt into it. It won't lather up hugely but should clean your scalp and hair just enough to get the dirt out and then use diluted cidar vinegar which is an acid (same thing conditioner is) you rinse this through your hair look up natural recipes till you find one that works for you or simply use pure soap in your hair but don't dry it out by shampooing to frequently use conditioner in between in place of shampoo this seperates the hairs and cleans them yet lubricates them at the same time making the excess oil slip off while keeping your hair in excellent condition. hope this helps the product companies are going to so hate me for exposing their bull on here but someone has to do it its hard to convince people who have had years of pre conditioning from adverts and so called experts
So.... much....words...brain... can't take it......Shutting Down........ -
Also, you should write a blog about hair product if you knew this from the top of your head.
A hair stylist knows best (relating to the 1st answer), the sulfates in shampoos are awful on hair and natural is best. So, choose a natural hair care line such as Pureology, Aveda or Geovanni, these line not only do not put a bunch of crap in their products, but also do not use animal by products. As far as looking up natural products on the internet, that is a good idea. I have done hair over 11 yrs and after using natural products on my hair have found that it not only looks better it is a whole lot healthier.
There are mix opinions regarding switching of shampoos and conditioners. Some says it really works and some says it does not. However, as far as my experience is concerned, if you are going to use non-organic product for quite a long time then it can cause hair damage thus you need to switch to natural hair care products to get your hair back to normal state. However, you can use organic shampoos and conditioners for quite a long time then it wont hurt your hair as such products are free from sulfates, paraben and sodium chloride.
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