• Yes, they have to have that for the power to propel the slug or bullet out the barrel! It is the explosion of the gunpowder that gives the bullet it's power and speed.
  • Bullets have gun powder either around the projectile (rimfire) or behind it. In either case it is the smokeless gunpowder that generates the force to propel the projectile out of the barrel and toward its target.
  • Bullets do use gunpowder, but now-a-days they use a smokeless powder They don't use traditional black powder. "The Oxford English Dictionary defines the English word gunpowder as "An explosive mixture of saltpetre, sulphur, and charcoal, chiefly used in discharging projectiles from guns and for blasting." [1] Defined this way, the word gunpowder is essentially synonymous with black powder." Source:
  • yes it makes the bullet go out of the magazine after you click the trigger.
  • People use gunpowder, to push bullets out of firearms, or to create an explosion of some type. Since bullets cannot think, they cannot use anything.
  • Gunpowder converts its small mass into a huge volume of gas in a violent exothermic reaction. This gas cannot be contained by the fixed volume of the cartridge, so it pushes the bullet out until the volume of the confining space equals the volume of gas generated. This point of equilibrium is never reached as the bullet will be pushed completely out of the barrel before the volume of gas generated is equalled by the volume of the barrel and cartridge together.
  • they use nitro powder.
  • Bullets do not use gunpowder, a bullet is the projectile that is propelled from the muzzle of a fire arm or air gun, a cartridge needs gunpowder and a bullet to make a bullet move along the barrel.

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