Yellowroot (also known by the scientific name Xanthorhiza simplicissima) is a shrublike plant with a variety of botanical and medicinal uses.
Yellowroot is found as far north as Maine, and as far south as northern Florida. Yellowroot can also be found in southeastern Texas and western Louisiana, though it is rare there.
Yellowroot has a woody stem. Its leaves resemble those of celery, and achieve a deep purple-red color. The plant's name comes from the bright yellow color of its roots. Yellowroot flowers in spring or summer.
Landscaping Use
Yellowroot is used as a ground cover and thrives in moist soil. Yellowroot is also known to establish itself and survive outside of the cultivated area.
Medicinal Uses
No clinical data indicates the use of yellowroot in the treatment of any condition. However, yellowroot has been used as a folk remedy for a number of ailments, including infections, sore throat and diabetes. Yellowroot is typically prepared as a tea, or turned into a tonic to be used topically.
Active Ingredient
Many of yellowroot's medicinal properties are thought to be linked to a chemical in the plant called berberine. Berberine is thought to have anti-inflammatory, anti-convulsant, anti-malarial, anti-microbial, anti-pyretic, hemostatic and immuno-stimulant properties.
Drugs.com: Yellowroot Information
Efloras: Xanthorhiza Simplicissima in Flora of North America
Which 'yellow root'? Hydrastis canadensis? Coptis trifolia? Jeffersonia diphylla? If you want to use herbs, avoid common names, and focus on the nomenclature.
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