• Colon Clenz is one of many products available to improve digestion and elimination and cleanse the colon of waste. Colon Clenz products are blends of herbs and other supplements aimed at promoting regularity and digestive health.


    Colon Clenz is a product of Natural Balance, a company that has developed and marketed "specialty supplements" for more than 20 years, according to the company's website.


    Natural Balance produces two versions of Colon Clenz: Colon Clenz and Ultra Colon Clenz. According to several websites that resell Colon Clenz, the Ultra version is more proficient at relieving abdominal discomfort.

    Main Ingredients: Colon Clenz

    The main ingredients in Colon Clenz are senna and cascara sagrada. Other ingredients include slippery elm bark, aloe vera leaf and Oregon grape root.

    Main Ingredients: Ultra Colon Clenz

    Ultra Colon Clenz contains the same ingredients as Colon Clenz plus additional ingredients said to increase its effectiveness. These include peppermint, fennel seed and apple pectin, a soluble dietary fiber.


    While the ingredients that make up Colon Clenz and Ultra Colon Clenz are natural, it's advisable to consult your physician prior to taking any new supplement.


    Natural Balance Website A Colon Clenz Reseller

  • probably something that cleans your colon

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