Under the criminal code of Ohio, anyone who files a false police report has committed the act of making false alarms. While this is titled somewhat differently from other states, the basic principles remain the same.
According to code OCR2917.32, anyone who reports a false impending or recently occurred emergency such as a fire, explosion, or crime is said to have committed the act of making false alarms. This statute includes making a false police report, as well as inciting mass panic.
Exceptions to law
Anyone who is conducting official training exercises, sanctioned by the department or agency, will not be considered to have violated this statute.
Felony or misdemeanor?
In the event that the false report results in an economic loss to the agency of $500 or less, the crime is considered a misdemeanor of the first degree. For any losses exceeding $500, or those resulting in panic by the general population, the crime is considered a felony charge of either the third, fourth, or fifth degree, depending upon severity.
For felony convictions, the minimum time of incarceration is six months to five years. The maximum amount of time for misdemeanor sentencing is 180 days.
Restitution and fines
For both felony and misdemeanor convictions, the court can impose restitution up to the entire amount of the loss incurred. Depending upon the severity of the crime, the court can impose fines of $5,000 to $15,000.
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