• <h4 class="dechead">On One Hand: Balance and Symmetry

    Space shelves 1 foot apart vertically. If you need to place them farther apart because of the size of the items you are displaying, hang the shelves an equal distance apart. Hang floating shelves so that the lowest one is no more than 18 inches lower than eye level. The upper shelf should be no closer to the ceiling than 1 yard. Center the shelves on the available wall space. If the shelves are not all the same length, put the widest one at the bottom and the smallest one at the top. This positioning will create a balanced, symmetrical and soothing look.

    On the Other: Be Creative

    Creative placement of your shelves will make your home feel more like a true expression of yourself. When you put some of them closer together and others farther apart, the viewer's eye is more likely to pay attention to the details of the articles on the shelf. Consider what you want to display before hanging the shelves, then allow for a few extra inches between the shelves so you can remove and replace items without damaging them.

    Bottom Line

    The one who should be most pleased with the end result is you. Note whether you feel the most comfortable in balanced, harmonious environments, or in unusual, quirky settings. Set up your shelves following this guideline. You will feel most at home, most relaxed and rejuvenated, by being in touch with what pleases you.


    HGTV: Intalling a Floating Shelf

    Martha Stewart: Stylish Organization

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