Bull balls.
A plume of feathers. I put it there to piss off the security clowns where I work. +5
snot i just sneezed +4
Around here? Probably the remains of a deer. I need one of those wind powered sirens.
That is a cross b/c I believe in Jesus :)
Oh that, that's just some of my fish sandwich from yesterday....
would be an extra set of keys! +5
The suicidal dwarf hitch-hiker I picked up a few miles ago.
Seriously, it's a heart from my Mom with 2 small gems on it. It has a saying written on it 'Never drive faster than your Angels can Fly. Love Mom'. +5 Barb
Some Mardi Gras beads, a crystal and a small dreamcatcher.
A howler monkey.Steve is very distracting.
A stuffed dog keychain.
It is a small necklace. +5 Barb!
Oh that's where that got to.
A severed-head. ^.^
Nothing. I don't hang items on none of my vehicle's rear view mirrors.
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