Completely false! I am highly selective and quite discriminating about who I flirt with! =) It's just for the special people ;)
What is an EO flirt?
Army Veteran
'E'qual 'O'pportunity,
So false
Yes. I give all women an equal choice to flirt and then fondle my buttocks.
I'm not a flirt!
True and everyone that knows me knows its true.
nah. I only flirt with cute chicks. mwuahh xoxo +5
False, I'm not a flirt anymore because I been there and done that, plus; "I am happy already with who I'm with."
I only flirt with the best looking girls. So how yoooou doin, Icy?
OHHHHHH wish i knew how to do that .....hehe
naw, closer to social nerd
False +5
Why? Who else needs to be flirted with? Send them on over! :^)
Honestly, I don't know how to flirt.
sure thing - NO MUFF - TOO TOUGH!
I'm a passive flirt with alot of people, sometimes I don't even know it. I'm an active flirt with people I actually have an interest in.
I rather give an honest compliment then flirting.
False. I've never flirted. Don't know how! :)
False, I only flirt with pretty girls...
Flirting is a natural and healthy activity - it boosts the ego, which in turn, increases self-confidence. The problem with flirting is that people tend to let their ego control their common sense. Women who flirt are in a more delicate position than men who flirt. Men are able to fend off an unwanted advance (whether they do is an issue in itself) while women have difficulty defending against someone more aggressive. I've seen comparisons that say that men are more likely to cheat on their significant other while there is probably an equal number of claims that women are more likely to cheat on their significant other. The fact is, there is no "more likely" since it's up to the moral behavior of the individual. Take it for what it's worth - know your strengths and weaknesses before you end up crossing a line you'll never be able to uncross.
No. Back when I did flirt it was only when I knew we were both single/available.
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