• In reading this question and posting an answer, I am assuming several things: * Your document is more than one page long. * You have a separate file that is a picture which you are referring to as a "watermark" * You know where the watermark file is. * You wish to have the watermark on the first page. * You don't want the watermark on subsequent pages. * You wish to have a header and/or footer that prints on every page EXCEPT the first page. Also in answering this question, I answer using my current version of MS Word: 2002. At this point a disclaimer is needed because you may be using a different version of MS Word. In which case, my answer may or may not be effective. With that in mind, here goes: ~~ Insert watermark: * Click "Insert" on the toolbar - a menu will fall down. * Hold your mouse over the word "Picture" - a menu will shoot out to the side. * Click on the word "From File" (again, this is assuming that your "watermark" is in a separate file as a picture) - a dialog box will open. * Find the picture file and double-click on it. The picture will be inserted into the document, and a picture toolbar should be shown. At this point, there may be much customization to be done to the picture. If so, and undoubtedly so, then you will have to submit another question. ~~ Setup Headers/Footers: * Click "File" on the toolbar - a menu will fall down. * Click "Page Setup" - a dialog box will open. In the dialog box, click on the "layout" tab. The second section will be "Headers and Footers." Find the box labeled "Different First Page" and make sure it is checked. Once you click "OK" you should have what I assume you were looking for. Good luck!
  • I think what you want to know is how to put a watermark (picture in the background) on EVERY page of your document WITHOUT using the header/footer option like MS Word tells you to do if you want a watermark. The only way I know how to do this (since you are already using your headers and footers for a differnt purpose and they are not the same for each page) is to insert a picture then tell it to "go behind text". You will have to insert the picture, then right-click to format the picture. Choose the "Size" tab and tell it how big you want it. You will next want to select the tab that says "layout". From there select "behind text" and "center". Then select the tab that says "Picture" and under color choose "washout". Say "OK". Your picture should then be behind the words. Now, to put it on every page, you'll need to right-click anywhere in the graphic where you are NOT touching a word or letter and select copy. Go to each page and hit paste. That's the only way to make it appear on multiple pages WITHOUT using the header/footer option that I can think of.
  • The answer is in an addin to Microsoft Word called StampIt for Word. A free trial is available at This program can watermark one, selected or all pages of any document and print the entire document at the same time. Lots of neat and time saving features that eliminate the need for rubber stamps and automate the watermark creation and use process for Word.
  • Word has a default "template" for new blank pages. To make a second/additional template and set it up the way you want it to appear, open a blank page and make/insert what ever changes you want, then save as a template, not as a document. Then, when ever you want your watermark pages, you may open the secondary template and put text, photos, etc., and save that as a document.

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