Meat, mostly pizza.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the occasional between meal snacks.
Snow, haha jk, prolly Hot Tea (mmm Starbucks!!)
Cranberry sauce
Too much!!
Candy Canes!
Hot soups
The same foods I eat any other month.
Pretty much the same as any other time.
More soups & stews with french bread. +5
Well crabs are in season, keithold! ;-)
Cookies, candy, chocolate fudge.
Left over pecan pie, carrot and red velvet cake.
The same thing that I always eat every other month!
Probably Pizza, Ham, Hot Dogs, Chinese food at the buffets, etc .. +5
I tend to eat more HOT SOUPS or something baked in the hot oven during the month of December. Because of the snow and cold! +5 keithold!
Candy canes.
Trifle or watermelon.
I would like to eat all kinds of meats and seafood during the month of December .
Same things as all the other months.
Since we are going on our summerholiday I like to buy and lotsa lots of fruits. We all luv it. +
warming stew
Mac & Cheese!
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