• the usa i think ,but i could be wrong. what i mean by this is your have actors making millions by each movie that they make and then you have people like me who have made 6,000 dollors for the year gross pay.
  • The poorest three countries in the world have an average income of $500 pa, as opposed to the richest which has $55 100. However, I would think that the difference between richest and poorest in Luxembourg would be much less than that of the bottom three, which are East Timor, Somalia and Sierra Leone. In between these countries are many developing ones such as Indonesia, where the gap between the rich and poor is phenomenal. I have visited wealthy areas in Indonesia and noted that materially, their standard of living is higher than mine in Australia. However, down the bottom are itinerant workers whose wage (if they get work) is $2 US per day. My guess is that whichever country has the biggest gap is somewhere close to the poorest, but not at the bottom, for the bottom nations have little in the way of wealthy. It is the developing nations with an burgeoning middle class that show the biggest chasms.
  • My guesses would include The United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, India, and The Fillipines
  • China has ranked itself among countries where resident incomes are very unequal. The problem of income distribution has become the most noticeable issue among current social problems in China, said Lu Zhiqiang, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, in his speech delivered at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on May 9.
  • Someone said the UAE, I agree totally with this as I used to live in Dubai and now live in Qatar (nearer Saudi) There are the workers in The UAE that earn around 300 DR a month (around 40/50 pounds) that have imigrated from poorer countries, Then you have the E-pats from Braitain,America,South Africa,Australia,etc... The rulers of the UAE (particularly Dubai) have a huge amount of money,and dont have to pay for a lot of privilages as it is "their country"

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