No, they eat the bugs...Did that just make my house sound as if it were over-run with little critters?
No. I work with a leech. So, spiders would be easy.
Yes I hate them...and any other bugs
As long as they don't ask to borrow money?! ;-)
I wouldnt mind if they contributed to the bills!
As long as they don't invade my personal space.
I mind any living creature that I dont' know what will do next. Spiders are not welcome in my house. They breed, they poop, they sting and they hide. Let them stay outdoors.
Fuck. I hate them. Probably the most frightening thing to me.. ever
did you know that in an average human`s life span that we swallow at least eight spiders while we sleep so yes i don`t mind spiders in my house
why should i?
I'd prefer to not have them take up residence at my home. But they seem to find a way in. SPLAT if I catch 'em! +5 neilychops
As long as they don't take up a lot of space and aren't overpopulated I don't mind. If they're living there then they're obviously living off of something. That means they're eating stuff that would probably eat me lol... tiny bugs.. worms maybe since my house is older than the hills around here :p Some do meet the vacuum sometimes, though hehe...just because there are sometimes way too many and it freaks me out haha. Overall, as long as there aren't too many of them and I know where they're at (and don't invade my space) I respect them and let them protect the house from unwanted insects :)
not at all, as long as they stay on their side of the bed =)
not at all, more spiders less other house invaders. just as long as i am not on the menu they are welcome in my home.
Yes. I know they eat the other bugs, but if I've got spiders, that means that I also have those other bugs!
Not at all. I rather like them. I don't like finding them unexpectedly though.
As long as they stay out of sight and aren't venomous, I don't care..
Nope!! not at all! they keep the Cats amused for hours!! :-/
No, but I lock away the TV remote control when I go to bed.
I prefer only people in my house and only those who are close family. All other living creatures are not welcome.
Better than fly's
I like them. The keep the other insects at bay. They are welcome as long as they do.
No, they kill flies and other problem insects.
I don't mind as long as they are not in my bed or around my food.
as long as they are dead
Spiders are cute and they are a great natural form of pest control.
...unless it's a brown recluse.
Yes, I mind. They can die horribly, drowning in the plumbing on the way down.
No, they catch other insects.
Yes. I would call Terminix.
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