• It can be fun, alot of course depends on the specific environment and the boss but overall I enjoyed my time waiting tables. The hourly pay sucks (minimum wage only in my state though in some they can pay you as little as $2.13 per hour if they claim a 'tip credit') but where you make your real money is in tips. This is where you can really shine as being friendly and providing good service is what impacts this the most, it can be trying at times with difficult customers but most rewarding when you get one that appreciates the service. You'll be on your feet alot but the day does tend to pass quickly if you are busy which is a plus. One thing it definitely does is leave you with an appreciation of how difficult a job it really can be at times, I tend to tip at bare minimum 20% and more often 25% just because I appreciate good service and know its not always easy. I can't really think of any secrets or tips, being able to think on your feet and being able to be nice to people even when they are not being nice to you is very helpful.

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