• Because it's the worst movie in the world, and to add insult to injury, cost millions and millions of dollars to make. It's one of the most expensive movies ever made. I love irony.
  • I actually liked waterworld, some had a hard time following it, some peoples immagination dosen't go that way, But thats just me and my personal preference. The box office money outrankes me ;)
  • I think expectations were very high for this movie and when you come off a movie like "Dances with wolves", you may feel your star power is invincable but certain, that was not the case in the movie. I don't think it is that bad. I also don't think it is that good!
  • True, I've seen far worse movies. I think the combination of the huge amount of money spent, the reported difficulties in making the movie and some jealousy over Kevin Costner's past success with Dancing With Wolves created a kind of negative response to the film, partly independent of how good ro bad the film actually was.
  • Actually, I think the answer is a lot simpler. The set which was constructed for the movie cost over $100 million to make, and the whole darned thing drowned. They had to make an entirely new set for the same amount of money. The movie did okay in the box office, but not nearly enough to undo the damage of the set drowning.
  • I only saw the last part of it, but ANY movie with a man and a woman in it ought to end with the two of them facing the future together--not with him dumping her and a child and going out into the setting sun alone. It's not going to get any recommendations, people aren't going to see it twice or buy the video.
  • It didn't 'become' a flop. It was consdiered a flop before it even came out. The expenisve sets, the marital scandals that happened throughout the film, the rewrites, more money spent, actor replcements, it just didn't go well. So when it came out, there was no way it could recoup it'ds losses. It has, with time, made money, though and is very popular on TV and around the world.

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