• Telephone an Air Force recruiter (in another city!) from a pay phone (or the by using a friend's cell phone) and just ask him or her your question. If they ask YOU a lot of questions (or your name) just say, "Look, I'm thinking of enlisting IN THE FUTURE, and I just want to know if a misdemanor conviction will mess up my chances, OK?" I was in the USAF (1960s) and it's my opinion that you really don't have too much to worry about. A parking or speeding ticket is ALSO (in some jurisdictions) "a misdemeanor." Relax, and breathe normally. "Pray, if you have them!" As you were; carry on... +5
  • DEP: Delayed Entry Program. While you are DEP, you are NOT in the military. You can simply choose NOT to enter, if you wish. It's not a binding agreement. HOWEVER, you must STILL meet all the conditions for entry when it comes time to go. And this includes any legal issues. Being charged with ANYTHING in the legal system, including a Class C Misdemeanor, can either disqualify you OR require you to get a waiver, depending on the outcome. You need to contact your recruiter and discuss the exact details with him/her NOW and work to resolve any issues BEFORE this date. We cannot help you here, beyond that.

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