• santa and father christmas
  • I dont see any difference as ultimately it is a Festival
  • Try a Christmas in Australia , you will see there is a difference. santa has to ware shorts when he delivers all the presents here and a nice cold beer awaits him too .+4
  • The main difference is that the English don't call it holidays - to the British a holiday is what Americans call a vacation.
  • Yes - it's location.
  • Hmmmmm..... about 8hrs I think!
  • nope ,,, they are both just another a stolen pagan holiday !
  • I've never heard of any English folks getting into blood drawing melees in an effort to grab a toy for their kids.
  • I always say Merry Christmas, to everyone, but some Americans don't want to because they say it gives to much refrence to Jesus, and they don't like that, ( well it does) and some go all out, while others do not. We do, I hand make all the Victorian decorations for our tree, and the ones we give as gifts. ! +5
  • Happy and Merry and yes, Americans trample people to death every year over something like tickle-me-elmo, or shoot people and hold up a store for a present and I think Americans are the only idiots stupid enough to line up in front of stores for hours, when stores are opening at 5am, just so they can be the first in do you know that some Christmas shopping commercials started airing in America at the BEGINNING of OCTOBER this year? that's madness!

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