• I think seeing them with someone else when you still have feelings for them!
  • I think the hardest part is moving on.
  • deciding to do it if its your choice. Feeling rejected if it isnt.
  • I dont think there is any easy part the whole breaking up is tough from start to finish.
  • When you did everything to make it work but still it didn't and you end up wondering what he/she couldve seen with the other girl/guy.
  • The hardest part about a breakup is when I failed to be the bigger person, or when I embarrassed myself by getting emotionally driven, irrational and depressed. When I failed to be a constructive, wholesome and healthy, I felt bad later on. Instead, I could have been a better person and felt proud of myself. When I was rude, stupid, awful, self-destructive and unkind, that behavior was hard to deal with and process later. Later one, when I matured and learned to be assertive, without being gullible or naive, it was then that I felt better about myself. Moving on was not without difficulty of course, but the person I was left with (me) and I got along better when I was a human being, and realized I wasn't a "rejected miserable failure" just because one person didn't love me exactly the way I wanted them to love me.
  • night times and weekends. oh yeah and someone asking how your relationship is going with them when they haven't heard the news.

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