• because his shoes were still on top of his car
  • Because she looked cute and I wanted her to turn her head to make sure. Mission accomplished!!!
  • Because I was stuck behind a guy who was sitting at a green light, not moving, looking around and playing with his hair.
  • Because I was walking down the street, impersonating Harpo Marx at the time.
  • I honked at my friend when I was helping him move. I did because he was waiting at a light to turn right. He would have been going the wrong way if he had turned. I honked and sat in the left lane leaving space for him to move over. He finally did. Otherwise, with all the road rage out there these days, I do not honk at anyone. +5
  • They backed up aimlessly and almost hit my car.
  • To let them know I was about to run them off the road.
  • A few days ago, I was on the highway going about 70 miles per hour, there was a car in front of me, and a big Mack truck slightly ahead to my right. Some idiot far behind me started racing close to me---he/she must have been going 90 mph or so. Tailgating me for 30 seconds or so, he was impatient to get ahead of me, so he darted into the right lane behind the Mack and cut right in front of me at high speed, with little space between me, the Mack, and the car ahead of me. I honked him, but he switched to the right lane, cutting in front of the Mack, and dashed off. Sheesh!
  • The traffic light changed from red to green, yet the driver ahead of me was so involved in his cellphone discussion that he failed to notice it.
  • Because an idiot pulled out of a parking lot not more than a car-length or so (SLOWLY) in front of me, and I was doing about 30. Totally ignored me coming, and didn't even acknowledge the horn.
  • bumper sticker said "honk if you're horny " ;-)
  • I ran a red light and someone honked at me so I honked back. What a moron.
  • That video was HILARIOUS!!! When I'm old and gray, I'm gonna be like that lady!!! LMAO!!
  • It's been a long time ago for me I'm happy to say. I must be mellowing with age. I think the last time was to let someone who didn't see me know I was behind them before they backed into me and wrecked both of our days/cars.
  • Was waiting at a signal light, behind this truck, for no reason he goes in reverse does not see me, if i did not honk my horn he would of hit me. BTW: LMAO!!!! for the vid. +5
  • To warn them that they were about to change lanes on top of my car...they had not looked over their shoulder, nor signaled...and evidently I was in their blind spot!
  • Waving to someone I know. I very rarely blow my horn at other drivers.
  • When a man changed lanes on the freeway almost side-swipping me. He missed by about 3 to 5 feet and if I had not braked heavily he would have hit me...he just came right on over and never attemped to avoid me.
  • I saw a who was paying too much attention to having his hand up his girlfriend's blouse. I yelled, "Take that to a motel!"
  • I don't do that! It WON'T change them and it DOESN'T prove anything! I'm probably NEVER going to see that person again and it's NOT worth the effort! Assholes and incompetents abound EVERYWHERE!
  • I was on my Harley. She was on a cellphone. She didn't see me. Had I not blasted her with my airhorn, she would most likely have run over me.
  • the other day as I was driving around the mall parking lot. Some lady made a turn right in front of me w/out even looking first. I did have the right a-way.
  • He honked first. Mr. "ten miles under the speed limit", was making a right turn S-L-O-W-L-Y, and I went into the oncoming lane to get around him. He then honked his horn at me (I assume that he got upset because I wasn't playing by the rules of the road that he imposed, and didn't stay behind him the whole time he took to turn). What is it about Gray Hair and a sudden desire to be a self appointed traffic warden?
  • When someone sat at a green light not moving for about 2 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore...
  • To thank some one for letting me into a line of traffic, which I have to do everyday when returning home from work.
  • Two people were talking from car to car, blocking the street... he jerks!!
  • not using their turn singals and if they are on their cell phone as well ,,
  • I honked my horn at a friend walking in front of my car,just because.I laugh at this stunt every single time without fail :)
  • I honked at this person who pulled away from the curb without obviously looking or they would have seen me.
  • i was afraid he did not see my finger.
  • They drifted in my lane an almost side swiped me. How's life been treating you my frind. ;D
  • I arrived first at the intersection of a residential street and a rural highway. I was planning to go straight across the highway. A small day-care bus full of children arrived after me on the opposite side of the intersection and signaled to turn left. When there was a break in traffic, I started to go (as was my right of way on two count - arriving first and intending to go straight across the intersection) and the stupid day-care bus driver zipped across in front of me endangering herself, her passengers, and me. So I honked my horn at her. I forgot to call the day-care. Thanks for reminding me!
  • I was stopped at a traffic light and someone started backing their car out of a driveway ... nearly hit me. I guess I was invisible!!

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