• 11. I offered each of them a job. They all said it sounded like too much work and then thanked me anyway. One of them was offended a few months later when I didn't want to pay his share of a pizza... because I was the one making all the big money.
  • I'm on medicaid for my pregnancy.. and I don't know about anyone else. That's not really something you just discuss with people. My boyfriend wants to get on foodstamps but I refuse because I don't think we absolutely need to do that. I'm not really comfortable with living off the government for some reason unless I'm in very very dire need. It's kind of an embarrassing thing for me, but I don't think it's embarrassing for people who couldn't survive without it.
  • Most of the parents at my school, judging by how many students participate in the free lunch program.
  • None. At least that I know about.
  • I know several and most of them work full time or are disabled. Sad that they work full time and still can't afford to live without help.
  • I have known some who needed it, some who really didn't and many who didn't laughed about getting free food/cash. I'd report them, but felt they'd actually intentionally cripple themselves to really qualify.
  • I know that my mother was receiving money to help send my sister and I to school for a while. I also have friends who receive funds to assist with living expenses and university fees.
  • I know lots, most of them are disabled. Our small town has been hit hard, partly because programs were closed or put on hold until our state budget could be passed. Some State workers here went without paychecks the entire time, and were unable to quit, get unemployment or welfare. Our unemployment rate is at 9% and companies are closing. Mostly in the oil fields. Hubby has been laid off for 9 months now. I see so many on food stamps when I go grocery shopping. It's gotta get better some day. I hope.
  • Lots of lay-offs, lots of folks on unemployment... I know some getting other help too, many for the first time in their lives. It's going to get better. It's going to get better. It's going to get better...

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