Aww man. You figured out the diabolical plan...well...back to the drawing board guys.
I couldn't care less. I'm trying to support a family, all I care about is having healthcare. I've been to a dutch and an Italian hospital. Both emergencies. Both taken care of quickly, and free of charge. So glad I didn't get hurt in America....
Joseph Smith was a fraud and an Eisegete
Free of charge? to whom? I suppose if a person that paid no taxes in either country. Just happened to go there... it would've been free.
Yes. (Is that the answer you wanted to hear?)
If it is, that mean that whites and blacks can be equals, no more black history month!!!
Are you saying that every other industrialized nation on Earth is into enslaving people? Before you answer, remember that some places have laws against working over XX hours a week whereas we fir people for working LESS than 70 hours a week. We take less vacation time thatn practically any other nation. Who are the slaves? And remember, we were doing that LLLOOONNNGGG before Obama!
yes, its for all the years that his people were oppressed lol
No. Only a lunatic could believe something that patently ridiculous.
not if your S.W.A.T
I would love to hear why the op'er thinks..or how the op'er equates universal health care with enslaving white people. Please do elaborate?
Where do people come up with this crap?
Race doesn't matter. Universal health care is about keeping people reliant on the government.
"enslaving white people".... no. Enslaving us all? Yes.
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