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  • My hubby would NOT think that was a good idea. Honestly, I don't want that stuff sitting in my mouth any longer than it has too either. Down the hatch I say!
  • I think my husband would die first.
  • surprising, my wife loves the taste, she will kiss me after, but there really is not much taste after it has been in her mouth
  • I have never had a girl do it< but would like to try it! I always kiss a girl after she sucks me off and can taste a bit of it!
  • My wife and I do this, its the absolute ultimate as far as I'm concerned.
  • i would like this if she was open to it
  • My boyfriend kisses me but only after I swallow, and that's fine by me.
  • My bF and I have an open relationship, so he really likes it when I have been with another man and then I snowball him. He also likes the creampie. It dosn't do much for me, but I know he enjoys it. I do like to make him masturbate for me when he is being snowballed or eating my creampie.
  • My wife and I snowball almost every time she gives me or my friend a blow job, and sometimes when I give my friend a blow job.
  • I normally do this in a threesome, M/F/M. One guy fucks me and I blow the other, I snowball with the guy who fucked me.
  • I would be REALLY turned on by that - unfortunately my missus wont let me do anything in her mouth!
  • I've tried it and it just wasn't for us. First, I have issues with warm cum in my mouth. I can deal with it because I love my man, but I don't enjoy it. I enjoy everything but that. To me, it feels like snot and it just grosses me out so bad. I keep kleenex by the bed and I just very discreetly spit it out. When I passed it to him in his mouth, he got this deer in the headlights look and was like....EwwWWww.
  • I have never, and I have never met anyone that has done that either
  • The first time I did it was over 35 years ago. My husband would cum more than anyone I have ever known and I didn't like him to cum in my mouth. When he complained that I didn't take it in my mouth, I suggested that he try it and then he can be a better judge. He agreed and the next time I gave him oral and he finished in my mouth, I got up and gave him a big wet sloppy tongue kiss, along with all of his semen. He took it and even swallowed it. I think he "bit the bullet", just so he could say it wasn't so bad. That is exactly what he said. At that point in our life we set a standard. I would give him oral and he could cum in my mouth, only if I could kiss him and give it back to him. There was an added benefit for myself. He lost his hangups about his cum and he would give me oral after he had cum in me, which almost guaranteed me an orgasm.
  • I would love to do it. I know I taste perfectly nice but until I get a girlfriend, I'm going to have to dream. Oh, god, it would be so hot. x
  • The first time a girl gave me a snowball i was at a party she bent down to kiss me after giving another guy a blow job as i realised there were 2 choices 1 = kiss and swallow, 2 = dont kiss and swallow and end up with cum down my face it was actually a turn on and did not taste to bad
  • I would love to. I think it is really hot and my gf said that she will try it, but she is at college right now so we need to wait till winter break! I cannot wait to try it. I have been trying to convince her to have a m/m/f threesome too but she wont budge!
  • My girlfriend does this to me every time I cum in her mouth. She started me eating my cum when she gave me a handjob and caught the cum in her hand and fed it all to me. I enjoyed it so much I have been eating my cum every chance I get.

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