• Can you be a little more specific?
  • Which language did you want? There are over one thousand different languages among the peoples of India, and several thousand indigenous languages in the Americas.
  • 1) There are many different Indian languages. 2) "Smohalla (Dreamer) (c. 1815 - 1895) Wanapum nineteenth-century dreamer-prophet associated with a revitalization movement among Native American people in the Pacific Northwest’s Columbia Plateau region." "Born between 1815 and 1820 in the Wallula area of present-day Washington State, Smohalla belonged to the Shahaptian Wanapum (also Wanapam; called Sokulk by Lewis and Clark) tribal group. At birth he was called Wak-wei or Kuk-kia, meaning “arising from the dust of earth mother.” After achieving prominence as a spiritual leader, he became known as Smohalla (or Shmoqula, Smuxale, Smowalla), also defined as “preacher.” Still other names associated with him include Yuyunipitqana, “the shouting mountain” and Waipshwa, “Rock carrier.”" Source and further information:

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