• Set your goals HIGHER. Strive to get a B+ or even an A, on your next report card. NEVER settle for "average," when you have it within you to be better. Good luck with your studies! +5
  • Suppose you have a really big number, like 6,789,624,297,492,749,712.60823 But you want to display it in only 12 characters. How do you do it? In e notation, it's: 6.7896242E18, which means 6.7896242 multiplied by 10 raised to an exponent of 18, or 6.7896242 * 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 which is only 6,789,624,200,000,000,000 but for most purposes that's close enough.
  • The E notation, very simply, is just a short-hand notation for scientific notation. If you replace "E" (or 'e') with "x10^", it's exactly the same. So, for example, 3.56x10^25 = 3.56e25

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