no! fire away!
Depends on if he's coming or going.
nope, not at all. do what you gotta do to protect you and your family...
Not if you just gravely injure them.
It depends. If someone unarmed broke into your house, and you just walked up and shot him in the face, yes, it is murder. If, however, someone broke into your house and you had reason to believe they were going to kill you or seriously harm you, killing them would be self-defense, not murder.
it is murder, but in the eyes of the law it's self defense
Some countries law states it is murder, some state it isn't. I personally feel it isn't murder. If someone comes into my home, with the intent of taking me belongings or harming my family, I will kill them.
No. If someone comes into my house who is a stranger, my only priority is to protect my family and myself. Period. Someone isn't going to be breaking into your house that you don't know with good intentions.
Could be. If the intruder is seeking to physically harm you, then yes, it would be perfectly okay to kill them without being charged for murder.
No, its self deffence.
not in Florida.
Not if you were protecting yourself and your family from eminent danger. If the criminal was attempting to escape and you are using unneccessary force such as a gun to prevent them from getting away, then in my opinion, yes.
is justifiable murder :-) +5
nope. if someone has no bussiness on your property and there is reason to believe that they have malicious intent (such as them trying to be stealthy at 2 AM) they are a threat and must be neutralized.
Not in Texas we have the "make my day laws" If you are theat or you enter a house as an intruder you can be blown away.
It wouldnt be murder but manslaughter and in the law it is self defence
No, generally you are allowed to use deadly force to protect yourself from someone who enters your home. However, circumstances might warrant a lesser charge such as manslaughter.
That depends... It could be...depending on the jurisdiction and circumstances.
Lots of circumstanial evidence involved here. Do you know this person? If so, he is not an intruder. He may be trespassing, but this is not a shooting offense.
From a human point of view, taking another life under any conditions is murder. From a legal point of view, killing a home invader is justified. +5
The real question is whether or not that murder was born of malice or desperation. If it was malice, then it is definitely murder. If it's desperation to protect yourself and/or your family, there should be allowances made for that.
It is murder, but it is killing in self-defense. Exodus 22:2-3 "If a thief is caught breaking in [after dark] and is struck [by the owner] so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him. 3 But if the sun has risen, there will be bloodguilt for him. The thief [if he lives] must make [full] restitution; if he has nothing, then he shall be sold [as a slave to make restitution] for his theft."
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Murder is defined in the English language as unlawfully killing of another person, so legally-justified murder is an oxymoron. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
How silly of you. If a burglar tried to kill you and your family, you would want the opportunity to defend yourself and your family or not????????????????????? *Facepalm*
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