• cultural differences
  • welsh people were origanally from britian while english people were originally from northern europe and invaded britian forcing the original habitants to wales, scotland and ireland.
  • +4 Welsh men tend to prefer the romantic company of sheep over that of women.
  • I think that Welsh people are more naturally geared towards choir singing, and are better at rugby :)
  • The differences are slight, but they are both physical and cultural. There are two different Celtic strains in the Welsh, the shorter, dark people, and the taller, red-headed people. The Welsh tend to be more religious and more musical than the English. There is also, I believe, a greater appreciation of poetry in Wales, which is not surprising, because Welsh can be a very poetic language. On the negative side, there is a bland acceptance of the domination of the English culture, although in recent years that has been changing a bit. When I was in Wales, many people were opposed to having Welsh-language forms and documents, and disapproved of bilingual education.
  • Wales never tried to eliminate the Irish?
  • The Welsh nation came to Great Britain as settlers just as the English & Scots.They are not the original inhabitants of Britain as it is said that they originated from Spain & Portugal,and Brittany which is a part France where the language is practically the same as Welsh.There is no archaeology before the time of the Romans to suggest they arrived here earlier than anybody else. There were other tribes living here at the same time all over Britain.When the Anglo Saxons invaded they brought their culture here and the Britains blended in with them and inter married, and in time became the English.The Welsh, English and Scottish have all one thing in common they are all decended from Celtic origins.
  • the english like fish and chips more... :D

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