When I have to kill to defend me, or mine.
There's a fine line...I argued this with my mother the other day..if you murder someone..a wife or's usually out of rage or jealousy, money or whatever...but if you murder someone bc they are gay or black or chinese or whatever..that is a specific hate and that one reason is why you are "hatin" them..and everyone like them.
When it's an accident
When I plan it to the finish, and wake up!
When you murder someone that you really like... or when you do it for fun, because your a wacko.. or.. when you do it for financial gain/greed. Greed has little to do with hate. It's just business. or... when you do it to take another countries oil.
When a hitman does a contract.
Self defence or if that person is just insane.
When the murderer doesn't have a guilt feeling or bitterness before or after the crime.
I would guess in the course of a robbery, where the goal is money, not revenge or payback.
Murder is always a hate crime! what a great question :)
When it's murder for hire, an incidental killing during the commission of a crime, or a compassionate killing of a loved one in pain.
When Someone try to Attack your family.
...It always is a hate crime... all crimes are hate crimes... ALL OF THEM. if they werent done out of hate and anger why were they done???? Southpark had an episode on this...I thought it was genius.
Isn't war supposed to be like that ?
By definition murder is done with malice
when its punishment...
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