• Fact from fiction truth from diction. I do not believe time travel is possible not only would it require more energy than the Sun has vreated in the past 300 years, the universe is a balanced body such as the humand body. To go back in time you would have to take the whole universe with you. You could not send the Moon, or Jupiter back in time and not the rest of the solar system. It would be if you could send your brain back to the time of Caesar and leave the rest of your body here. Your brain would die because it would have no lings and heart to keep it alove, and your body would basically die here with no brain to keep things going. Either all of you go or none of you could, same with the universe, that we can see and that we have yet to discover.
  • Sure it is possible. We are all time travelers. As to your deeper question, time is an incredible mystery we know very little about despite the works and research of great men and women of history. There are several theories about what time travel would involve. The general consensus would be that to time travel to the past, you would have to cross the speed barrier of light travel. But as we understand it, matter cannot travel the speed of light because it approaches infinite weight as speed approaches light speed. However, it is generally accepted that time travel to the future is possible in a relative sense. High speed travel at fractions of light speed cause time to be displaced where during the same experiential period, a person standing on Earth could experience five years while the traveler might only experience one. The faster the speed, the greater the multiple of time displacement. In fact, astronauts who spend a long time on the international space station actually have been displaced very slightly in time (a couple of seconds). As for time travel to the past, there may be ways to "cheat" physics (really phenomena that exist naturally or can be created in higher dimensions which negate certain restrictions in our own). Most hopeful is that there are natural wormholes in space which are in essence space folded over on itself just as you would fold an index card, allowing one to travel great distances in spacetime while only traveling a small distance relative to the traveler. That may have implications for time or not. I think we must be very careful never to rule out the possibility of time travel. Physics, as we know it, may prohibit it, but there is so much we do not know about physics. Even now, theories are being postulated by the hundreds as to how the universe operates, how we experience the "arrow of time," what time travel possibilities may be possible under certain conditions. Some of these theories may take millennia of scientific advancement or research to actually prove, some may not be able to be proven by nature of the existence we have and our physical restrictions, but there are some theoretical possibilities pointing in nearly every direction right now. It's an exciting time.

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