non veg
Lettuce..( gives me gas ).
Red (hot) pepper seeds come to mind. They warm your tummy, but burn another part of your anatomy on the way out.
Anything that uses extremely hot peppers. I will love it but it doesn't love me... +5 :-)
Cabbage! You don't want to know.
I am allergic to cantaloupe. It's my favorite food on the plantet and I'm allergic to the damn things!! I can eat it but my entire body breaks out in hives and it's not very pleasant. :)
Szechuan hot pot
i allow myself 1 every 2 months i am at my 2 month mark, warning warning warning.
Ice Cream with chocolate sauce, I might just as well apply it directly to my ass!
Anything deep fried :o)
MacDonalds Cheeseburgers.
Indian cuisine because it means there will be a chance I could be "Damaging the Doulton".
A bean burrito and a sloppy joe put together, lol
Taco Bell
Asparagus. It makes my urine extremely, extremely stinky. So much so I get asked for a courtesy flush at the urinal.
Nothing, if I eat it, it is worth it! +5
BBQ potato chips I won't tell you what happens, it's just too gross.
McDonald's "Anything"
fast food. specially fries.
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