• I watched it sober last night for the first time, and the damned power went out with 45 minutes to go. I'll never watch it sober again. Mistake. I have found that either Marijuana/Hashish or Opiates/Opioids are ideal for "Wall" viewing.
  • Yes...every time. The Wall is not a movie meant to be seen high like other band movies ("Yellow Submarine" anybody). The Wall has a deep and meaningfull plot hidden behind layers of ideas and philosophies. It also says many things about the world in which we live in.
  • I was 17 and stoned. I barely paid attention to it. My friend and I were new to the world of weed and bombed. All that slow moving but no moving was too trippy for me. All I remember are the pretty colors =X I think I will watch it again.
  • ... have the DVD ... watch it often ... usually straight, but sometimes after a special tea & brownies ...
  • I have watched it many times on shrooms I am still finding new parts of it that floor me, the last time I was buy myself not a good idea lol
  • I saw it years ago for the first time, sober, clear headed. And I have seen it since then, same condition. A interesting movie is an interesting movie, no matter what condition you are in, unless you are totally wiped out or asleep. If it takes drugs to make the movie, it failed.
  • Floyd is and always has been one of my favorites. I saw it when it first came out and I was clear headed. If I need drugs to appreciate any movie, it's not worth my time. If you just watch it for the visuals is one thing, but as great as they are, the film is about so much more than that. Not only does it make social statements but is somewhat a biography of the late Syd Barrett as well. Floyd also tends to leave room for your own interpretations of their work.
  • watched it on acid years ago, and still cant listen to that album without continuous goosebumps.
  • I watched it when I was a teenager and I was sober. I thought it was pretty cool.
  • I watch it all the time. The animation is scary enough without drugs, so I can imagine I'd probably have a stroke/pass out if I was zonked out whilst watching it. And I prefer to live to see it again, thanks.
  • i have it on dvd and i've actually never watched it high. i watched it drunk once, though. that was weird.
  • I watched it stone cold sober and found it to be quite interesting, even without the mind altering substances. :)
  • I've seen it at the midnight movies back in the early 1980's at least a dozen times. Mostly after some beer drinking. I bought the video tape back in the 1980's and I own the DVD now. I have watched it dozens of times without any drugs or alcohol.
  • Personally, I think we need to define drug state. Now this is coming from a self proclaimed pot head but seeing any movie on weed isn't going to change anything. Come on people, your just stoned, it's not mescaline or something like that. Now to answer the actual question... The very first time I saw it I had been frying (on Acid) for like 5 or 6 hours so I wasn't trippin to hard, but none the less I sure as shit hallucinated way more as a result of the trippy visuals in the movie. I've since seen it sober a few times. It's a good movie either way, but honestly, seeing it on Acid was a much better experience.
  • The first few times it didnt make sense to me, but i also never heard" the wall album". if i was F'ed up in watching it, id probally have a panic attack and die lol

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