Old Spice Red Zone Soft Solid Antiperspirant & Deodorant, Mountain Rush to be exact....
Stick, I once heard that a spray on can soften the skin, making it more likley to get cancer. Its probably an old fish tale, but I know a lot of people that died from cancer and it scares the shit out of me
Spray, at the moment. It varies. Usually depends on which is the closest to my hand when I'm at the supermarket. I usually just grab something and go.
Spray, never used a stick.
Stick or roll-on when I'm travelling or to keep in a bag. Spray otherwise.
Stick or the Gel
Old Spice Red Zone or Mitchum Power Gel
Stick +6
both :)
Stick Deodorant.
Stick Deodorant.
Stick deodorant.
this is gross but neither all the deo that i've ever tried makes me break out in rash :S even the aluminum free type!!
gel. no spray smells good and I hate the white stuff.
+5 Secret Spray. Strong enough for a man but made for a woman
i help the ozone and use stick. i love the Dove Deodorant, like the way it makes me smell.
Spray is my choice. Used sticks few times though.
Stick. Its cheaper.
I like the ones where the gell squirts through the tiny holes.
stick deodorant
I used to use spray but now I'm all stick.
speed stick under the arms daily ... Arid extra dry over the body before i work out
stick any spray makes me want to vomit
stick deodorant.
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