Hope that perhaps the country isn't as stupid as I thought it was when it voted for Bush twice
A reason to hope. Thats all we can do at this point.
Disappointment and disillusionment. Republican or Democrat, all politicians are just puppets. Still glad McCain didn't win, though.
Dignity in peaceful gestures!
A Headache and a genuine fear of his socialistic plans
Hope. :)
Nothing. The question should be what has he done to my Grandchildren. ?
a new president
Heartburn and Nausea.
Hope, for a better, more peaseful world.
A whole lotta nothin! Unless you count stress..
So far, he's only put me further in debt along with the rest of the country.
A proposed 1.8 trillion dollar debt,increased vulnerability to those who would do us harm,a banking system that's in shambles,etc.etc.etc.He's a giver" alright.
I received $250 from the stimulus bill in May 2009. Should I send him a thank you note, I still don't have a job.
So far, another $11,000 in debt.
Good facts and points that I can use against my democratic friends who think he's Jesus or something.
An example of why liberals have no business in a position of power.
Renewed hope! We found out what doesn't work for this country. We can only hope that doing the opposite of what didn't work will cause improvement. Those who hope it doesn't work fall under the classification unpatriotic.
a financial headache
A smile and a handshake and a laughing reply to my request that he not "fuck up" in office. He said, "Haw! Ok - I'll try not to - honest!" True story.
It is too early to tell, but I am encouraged by his: 1. public down-to-earth persona, and, 2. overtures for dialogue with countries with which the U.S. has disagreed for years, such as Cuba. Generally, countries which truly communicate with one another, are not (yet, at least) at war.
From "Hope and Change We Can Believe In" to heartburn, anxiety, disappointment, and sorrow...helluva legacy! Hopefully no more than 40 months left in this national nightmare. And for all you spineless Liberals who would down-rate this, at least have the courage to comment instead of just being a drive-by commentator.
Heartburn An ulcer an upset stomach diarrhea a headache And believe it or not none of that is covered under his health care plan.
Hope that I die before his health care plan is enacted!
Well since I havent met him,he personally has given Me nothing.Time will tell if his plans work.They seem to cost plenty.Is My opinion.Doesnt make it right or wrong.Just Mine.
Inspiration to defend American values against the onslaught of liberal fascism. We cannot let the statists destroy our country!
I wasn't aware that the President of our Country was supposed to GIVE me anything. Peace of mind. That McSame and Failin' Palin aren't in charge.
Hope that in 2012 a 3rd party could win the presidency!
A record setting migraine
Restored pride in my Country and hope for the future.
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