Men feel the need to ignore a woman they find unattractive. I've never noticed them insulting her if they know her personally. And if they do- brush it off your shoulder- it's some dumba$$ macho crap.
low self esteem, small dick, stupid, ass, alcohol. don't listen.
I wasn't aware that was the case. Where did that come from?
Because of their insecurities about themselves
Few men of my acquaintance insult women at all. Fewer still continue to be acquainted with me much longer. I find it shallow, disrespectful, and disgusting. Just ignore them. Trust me, there are men out there who can and WILL look past that exterior and see the beauty within. Look for them; you'll find one.
Some men are just rude and sometimes they don't think twice when they Insult a women.
Some people are like that.Don't worry,those same men who do this to women they find unnattractive,sexually harrass women they DO find attractive,so either way,they just harrass people,and no one likes them.There are some women who do this too.*+++++*
the men that do that are just insecure with themselves.
Most men aren't like that. If you look at the ones that do, they are usually pretty ugly themselves.
Real men don't only jerks keep your distance this is just the first warning sign they are all wrong for you
I don't know; I never have.
What men do you know? And trust me when I say this, that women are just as likely to insult unattractive men.
Men don't do that...maybe some snobbish brats do.
I dont do that. If a guy insults a woman, I thought it was because she was attractive and he just wants her to think about him, so he calls her 'fat' or something along those lines??
I totally disagree with the premise of your question. I have never found that to be true in my experience.
I've seen more women laughing and talking down on "unattractive" women than men. I have personally dated quite a few so-called "unattractive" women because they had a lot of good quality going for them.
No woman is "unattractive."
I certainly don't do that - and I can only think of a handful of men who might do that. Perhaps you need a new peer group to hang out with.
Usually because the women they find "unattractive", reject them!
that really pisses me off!, to all you LADIES TERRYTUKER HAS TOTAL RESPECT-FOR YOU, FIGHT ON!
Women do the same thing...
"Some" men may, but not all do, just as "some" women like to insult men they find unattractive.
Those do not fit my definition of "men" by a long shot. They're at "little boy" with miles to go.
only those suffering inferior complexes male or female have the need to make others feel unattractive
This question is built of a false premise, i.e., that all men who find women unattractive feel the need to insult them. It is therefore impossible to answer. Suggested reformulation: "Why do some men feel the need to insult women they find unattractive?"
For the same reason why women feel the need to insult men they find unattractive.
You give them too much credit by calling them men. Those are not men. They are very insecure little boys who have to make themselves feel better about themselves by insulting someone they see as not attractive. Real mature secure men would never ever insult a woman for any reason. They also know there is no such thing as an unattractive woman because real men see women for who they are on the inside not what is visible outside.
Most men do not do that. The men who do are stupid arse-holes who have a very low-esteem.
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