I think it's up to each woman.
It's an individual choice. I did when I got married... then had to change it back after the divorce. I've vowed to never ever change my name again. But that's just me... :-)
My mother changed her name when married to her first husband but kept her first husbands name when she married my dad. I think it's up to each woman and if a man gets upset then that's just silly.
i think this should be up to the woman and her future partner. I know of reasons to keep or change, i like a nice blended name myself.
If she chooses to.
"Should?" No. They should be able to retain their maiden name, if they wish. +5
I think it's an out of date custom that should be put to pasture.
I think it's more traditional -- I know I will when I get married, but some people just don't want to. I know a coworker who married a man with the last name Hickie. If she changed her surname, then her log in name at work would be ahickie. I understand why she didn't change it ;)
The law allows anybody to change their name at any time for any good reason. A good reason is considered marriage. My first husband and I both changed our names. Heck you can even change your first name on marriage if you feel like it too. "Should" does not enter the picture here.
ive been married twice and as an ice breaker i introduce ALL my names, (you can keep them too) so i give first, middle, sur, married1, married 2 and we all get a good laugh, well except my current husband! lol!!!!
yes it means alot to the man when the woman takes his name/but thats just my opinion and not all woman feel the same
I think it's a personal decision that should is completely optional. I know when I get married, I will take my husband's name, but that probably has more to do with the desire to get rid of a last name that I have always been teased for (Dickerson).
In India it is a technical legality and she has to use her husbands name since school admissions and other legal documentation are needed where in her maiden name has less value!Though some of the women have chosen to keep their maiden name also along with their married surnames! It is just recently the mothers name has gained prominence in legal documents.Because that does not change.
It should be her decision; she should not be pressured to take on his last name.
I think it's up to the women on whether or not she wants to change her name. I personally would, but I know every woman is different when it comes to that. (Although I probably wouldn't change it if the last name made my name sound ridiculous...kind of like Julia Gulia in the wedding singer haha).
Yes! I think it does the man "honor"! I am proud to carry his name!
'Should' - No. It should be up the the man and wife to change or keep names as they wish. I will change mine.
The only time I can see a woman not doing this is if her name carries a strong reputation in her career. Beyond that, I think she should take the man's last name.
I did. I look at it like this: a marriage is a partnership, a family a team. Does Brett Favre still call himself a cheesehead now that he's part of the Minnesota Twins? Does Johnny Damon still call himself a Red Sox now that he's playing for the Yankees? Yes, I grew up in the sixties and seventies and was steeped in feminism. But when it comes right down to it, if you are going to be a team, you are either going to hypenate or something has to give. I love my husband. I don't have a problem with taking his name. If you can't talk it out and work it out, maybe you aren't ready to be married.
I think it should be their choice. I changed my name because 1. I hated my last name and 2. I wanted everyone to know we belonged to each other. If I had the better last name I would have asked him to change it to mine. Respecting him if he chose to keep his last name.
Yes, I think feminism is dead, i.e. mission accomplished, there's no point to the hyphenated name anymore.
Its up to both people to decide what the last name of both of them should be. I think it should though, be an agreement between both of them and they should both carry the same surname. It shows a bond that is really... cool ^_^
I will have both names simply because I want my kids to have the second name I was born with that and neither of my brothers want kids and I do so I want the name to continue on you know? I believe in having the choice be it that the guy takes the girls name or the girl takes the guys name or both keep their own names... Also to me my name is my identity and that is not changing even if my status does. And I think that whole 'you're a unit you should have the same name is bull...' Having different names is not going to make your marriage break up XD and if it does THEN dont get married... Its in your connection and devotion to each other not a bloody name regardless of if you change it or not.
May be it is a good idea to come to a common family name. Just to keep an identity. But I still do not understand why women always change it. I asked my GF, she doesn't have to do it. But she is insisting on changing her last name after marriage. hey, I have no problem.
Only if they want to. +5
No. and Yes, also. She should make the choice, herself.
It makes things a lot easier, especially when there are children involved.
It should be up to the man, like it should be up to the woman if she wants a ring or not.
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