• Well if you call him 3 times a day, then does it matter if he calls you only once in a day, or once every other day? While i think it would be nice to have a girlfriend who calls me 3 times a day in the beginning of the relationship, i'm perfectly happy calling her once or twice just to see how her day went, to talk to her for a while, to tell her I love her...but not 3 times a day every day. I'll give you my perspective: if I were your boyfriend and you called me 3 times a day everyday, after a while I may find it irritating, and I definitely won't feel like I have any reason whatsoever to call you if I know you're just gonna call me at some point later on. Don't take it personally that he isn't calling you all the've gotten into the habit of calling him 3 times a day, which can be pretty excessive. He probably just finds no reason to call you when you're bound to end up giving him a call as scheduled anyway. Confront him about it if you wish, but be prepared for an argument if you do. I'm sure that the only reason that he doesn't call you often is because of the explanation I gave you, and nothing else. Try to lighten up on the calls and you'll see that he probably calls you more often.
  • He may like to be with you more then talking on the phone or maybe he just doesn't like talking on the phone. There is only one way to find the to him about it and I bet you'll find the answer you were looking for.
  • He is male...mine is the same way.
  • Maybe because he knows you will call him!
  • Both MP1116 and Anonymous make good points. What Anonymous stated might be "stereotypical", but I wanted to share some recent figures from an article from Cosmopolitan, the UK Edition. You be the judge. Average monthy mobile phone usage 589 minutes (men) and 394 minutes (women). Average monthly landline usage 472 minutes (men) and 4,991 minutes (women). No that is not a typo. While a stereotypical comment does not apply to everyone, there was a bit of truth in what Anonymous said.
  • Some people just don't like calling others, but don't mind receiving the calls. Ask him.
  • I think he only calls you once in awhile because you call him so much. With you calling him so much, when would he have time to call you? My girlfriend calls me often, but when she doesn't call so often, I end up calling her more. Try not calling him so often, and maybe he'll call you more.
  • You might wish to stop calling your boyfriend so often because this will lead him to resent you and more than anything else, annoy him and cause him to want to steer clear of you. Call him once a day to ensure that everything's going good because calling him too much will cause him to be irritable. I hope this helps and good luck with your relationship because by calling him often, at least, he knows you care!
  • Could be he is calling someone else. also, some people are just not frequent phone callers. if you need answers, communicate with your boyfriend and ask him!
  • STOP calling him so often. Guys get very irritated by the countless phonecalls and yes he will get tired of you sooner than later. Get a life. its fine to have someone to love but when it goes one way uve got to stop and think. i know uve got better things to do. if not find them. if you don't want to loose him and be even more lonelier since thats what i guess you are call only when you realllllllllllly need to but dont be codependent and clingy
  • Can you spell C-L-O-Y-I-N-G? Maybe he's got to make a living.
  • Since you are usually calling him before he calls you, he has no reason to call as much, because he talks to you so often!
  • i dont want to start any drama but let him call you so he can see how it feels i know its going to be hard but sometimes men need to see how we as women feel
  • you call him so much that he has nothing left to say.....I am not being funny guys usually are not as talkative or expresive as we are..."usually"
  • To be honest, I do think that is a difference among the genders. Most males will call maybe one time (if that somedays) we are not as verbal by nature. No offense, but at least three times a day seems like a bit much.
  • cause you call him before he thinks to call you. Give him a chance. He probably feels conditioned that you are going to call and why call if you are going to be dialing at certain times? want him to call, try not calling a few days. See what happens.
  • You don't give him a chance to every other day and see what happens!
  • If it is bothering you, try not calling one of the three times of the day. If he asks say you were really busy and just forgot... oops! Don't make him feel like he has to check in with you or something, that will make him pull back. You pull back, it will make him think "Why isn't she calling me? I miss her!" Remember that men respond to action and not words.
  • Yes, its balance. You call him so much, he doesn't need to call you. If you didn't call as much, he might start calling you.
  • He doesn't need to. Your doing all the calling that your relationship needs. Be careful here or you will end up doing all the work leading to resentment and he will start taking it for granted that YOU are doing all the work. Let HIM chase YOU for a change. Change the routine and keep him on his toes a little. You will see a change and he will miss your calling, then HE will call YOU more :-)
  • If he called you 3 times a day, that would be 6 times a day you both would talk on the phone. If he called you more than you called him, you may as well get a walkie-talkie. Och my gotte, this question was asked in '03:)
  • Perhaps because he's not as needy of affection and reassurance?
  • I think, because you call him three times a day, that's already alot of talking. Since you're calling him, he does'nt feel he needs to call you because he is already expecting you to call him. If you stoped calling him totally for a few days, you would probbaly get more calls from him.
  • Maybe he's not a phone guy. And really why should he call you all the time? You've already shown him that you will do that.
  • maybe because he has nothing to say to you, considering how much you call him.
  • He is less anxious than you are? His need for contact is less than yours?
  • If you call him three times a day, he might think there is nothing left to say, or since you call so often, that if you wanted to talk more, you would call again. Try calling just once a day to give him a chance to use the phone to call you.
  • cause he is a guy
  • He may not remember your phone number.
  • Yes, he's not obsessive.
  • There is a theory that when one partner over-functions, usually the woman in the area of contact and communication, the other partner under-functions. What this means is you do all the work so he doesn't have to. Felt need motivates. Give him some dead air time to fill and he will probably call you.
  • sounds like you dont give him a chance to call
  • Why do you call him so much anyway?
  • well if you call three times a day, to some guys, it's almost as if they're being checked out all the time. There is no reason for him to ring if you're phoning three times a day. Cut it down and see then e.g once every couple of days, or don't call him for 3 days and see if he rings then. After 3 days he should wonder why you haven't rang and ring you if he cares as much as you do, if not move on. Ringing him 3 times a day you might be coming across as desperate, so he feels trapped by you. A guy's natural instinct if he's being hounded by a girl is to run away or not bother for a bit.
  • Dont listen to them i call my boyfriend a million times a day and its not to check up on him it just to hear his voice. and as for him not calling you i really dont know i know why mine doesnt call me alot its because i dont give him the chance to
  • because you call him all the time. he know he is gonna talk to you anyway. most of my guy buddies complain about their gf's calling them WAY too much- so be careful... dont call him as often, and let him want you and call you cuz he misses you.
  • because he's a guy!!!! when it comes to girls guys [every guy] gets shy. when you call them, that let's them know that they don't have to call you everyday and trust me it takes a load off. my boyfriend, cayden and me talk at school, after school and on the phone so if you see him more often, you won't have to call as much. and then you won't think about him not cALLING you as afton as you like. if you really want him to though, talk to him about it. a healthy realinship will pay off . TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YA :]
  • You have answered your own question; he doesn't need to as you phone him all the time.
  • Are you serious? Stop calling him so much! You are driving him insane, i'm sure.
  • Maybe, you have more airtime minutes than him. Whatcha think?
  • because he has nothing to say, maybe or maybe he doesn't have much money to spend on phone calls that are probably pointless
  • could be lots of reasons: 1. the most obvious he doesn't need to call you because you call him...there's only so much in the day you can talk about. 2. it's not in his personality. some people just don't need to talk that much to still feel connected and informed 3. it just doesn't occur to him to call you or he doesn't want to call you. 4. (there's bound to be more reasons...)
  • I am male and I enjoy communication with my S/O on a regular basis, but 3 calls a day, all at the same time every day begins to feel like a chain. I like unexpected calls and texts and twitter direct messages and emails.....and love to do it for her too. Another thought that comes to mind is that you may be talking his ear off on those calls rather than engaging in two way conversation.
  • Why would he call you when he knows you are going to call him?
  • Each to their own, but I think 3 calls a day is a bit much. I can't see why he would need to call you if you are already on the phone that often. I am by no means an expert, but think too much contact in a relationship can lead to boredom and is often a sign of codependence. A life and friends apart from the relationship is healthy.
  • Mabe hes feeling unsecure with you constently calling him, im not triyng to offend you but your boyfriend has a right to freedom, and he might not call you all the time because hes busy or in the middle of soemthing, making giving him osme space and trusting him will but his mind at ease and call you for a social chat
  • he is cheating on you
  • Men are not as chatty as women, besides men are more practical. If they feel like they need to tell you something, then they will call you.
  • Perhaps he is not much of a phone-chatter. That is not standard man practice. Given that, maybe he feels that the calls you initiate are sufficient for that kind of thing.
  • i only talk to my dog who lays next to me all day maybe three times. maybe he's just burned out of talking after three phone calls that he doesn't feel the need to talk more.
  • Because yourΓ© calling him damn near every hour...that's why...why should he need to call you?

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