Good question. Let's hear it for evolution, not creationism.
Who ever said they were White? A few Medieval artists? Gimme a break!
They weren't white, according to a HUGE, world-wide genetic study. Apparently, we were ALL black to begin with. Mitochondrial DNA (obtained exclusively from mothers) has been traced to a single female who lived in Africa. Hers is the hand that rocks mankind's cradle. You can learn more about the study on the Discovery Channel website. +5
The Bible doesnt give them a colour. Adam & Eve had the genes for all types of people. Mendel's experiments may show how different varieties can come from the same plant. And animals can be bred for different traits all starting with an original (stronger genetically) animal. If you believe the Bible, no one evolved.
+5 I don't care if they were Smurf color. All that matters is race, Human race. Other than that, who cares?
the bible never said Adam and Eve were white.+5
IF they were white than black people were born on a planet that is located very close to the sun. But this is ofcourse only a story that a retard would believe. I've seen a documentary on discovery which said the first people were black and situated in the south of the continent we now call Africa.
all humans were black to start with the lack of sun in northern europe caused there skin to go white.
Tanning booths.
'Adam & Eve' were thought to originate in the Middle East where people are generally olive skinned. One theory is that early created humankind had a greater gene pool than is existent today in any one individual. If this were true, then one might equally ask, "How did both black AND white people evolve out of this scenario?"
apparently when God banished humans to different parts of the world is the cause of different colour skins as per the temperatures they lived
Well, if one believes in creationism, then the bible says that Adam & Eve were the first humans created. But nowhere does it say they were the only humans created. If the original Adam & Eve were created in what we know as Africa, then maybe there was an Adam & Eve created in Asia, and an Adam & Eve in Europe, as well as North America, and South America, and Australia.
After the first couple kids, Eve went black, and didn't go back.
Adam and Eve?
It may be evolution. Those people who went in hot and sunny areas slowly and eventually got black!
If tooth picks turn into massive forests ... c'mon with the ignorant, idiotic questions..
What color were Noah, his wife, his sons and their wives? Everyone on earth but them were wiped out by the flood, so Adam & Eve become a moot point.
If you read the bible, (adam and eve) the you know people we sent to other areas, people also had different languages so we couldn't communicate with one another. Their skin had to be able to handle the different area they were in.. good question +5
Nothing in the bible says or even implies the color of many of the characters in the book.
The key word is evolve. The story is just that a story made up by man.
Mixing the bible with actual science, I lve these questions. Anyhoo, in the story of Noah's Ark, Noah's son Ham, becomes the forefather of all dark-skinned people. It's all there in Genesis.
Theoretically, it would be more likely that they were black and white people evolved from them. the story is bullshit anyway, so it doesn't matter
People were living in different part of the planet and due to the climate their skin is different.
Whoever told you Adam and Eve were white......?
What kind of fucked up question is this? C'mon people are we that ignorant.
It's hard enough to even talk about the existence of Adam and Eve and now we are going to put a color on them? Give me a break. Black people evolved out of being born near the equator.
Assumption #1: Adam and Eve existed Assumption #2: Adam and Eve were "White" Assumption #3: Different colored people have separate evolutionary paths. This question is too faulty to be satisfactorily answered.
This website makes my head hurt lol......Edit: Sorry that was wrong of me (I guess). Adam and eve weren't real, and people are different skin colors because of their location in reference to the equator and evolution over time, their skin adapted to their environment. This is why pale people are up north...and dark people are down south (essentially).
Sorry to disappoint you, but they were not white. Just as Mary and Joseph were not white. It is the misconception of the Anglo-American culture to think otherwise.
First, Adam color was the color of sand (that's why his name was Adam). So, his color was mid-tone between white and dark colors (it's light brown). Second, the explanation from the Islamic point view of why there are black colored people and white colored people etc... is simple: When Allah (GOD) wanted to create Adam, he ordered the angel to bring clay from the earth and Allah asked him to bring it from all over parts of the earth (white clay, brown clay, yellow clay, black clay..), and from that multi-colored clay, Allah (GOD) created ADAM, ... so the origins of those human colors are inhereted from our father (ADAM)... very simple! Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action."
First of all, no one really knows what shade of color Adam and Eve's skins were. However, here is some information that I found that you might be interested in. βAll men living today belong to a single species, Homo sapiens, and are derived from a common stock. . . . Biological differences between human beings are due to differences in hereditary constitution and to the influence of the environment on this genetic potential. In most cases, those differences are due to the interaction of these two sets of factors. . . . Differences between individuals within a race or within a population are often greater than the average differences between races or populations.ββAn international body of scientists convened by UNESCO, quoted in Statement on Race (New York, 1972, third ed.), Ashley Montagu, pp. 149, 150.
From what I have read, they probably were neither black of white. They could very well have been some variation in between the two. Early in human history, when a group of people were isolated from others and married with in the group, certain distinctive combinations of genetic traits were emphasized in their offspring. Note what (Heredity and Human Life) has to say on the subject. βA race is simply one of the partially isolated gene pools into which the human species came to be divided during and following its early geographical spread. Roughly one race has developed on each of the five major continental areas of the earth. . . . Man did indeed diverge genetically during this phase of history and we can measure and study the results of this divergence in what remains today of the old geographical races. As we would expect, divergence appears to be correlated with the degree of isolation. . . . When race formation took place on the continents, with the bottlenecking of thousands of populations in isolated gene pools all over the world, the gene-frequency differences we now see were established. . . . The paradox which faces us is that each group of humans appears to be externally different yet underneath these differences there is fundamental similarity.β (Heredity and Human Life, New York, 1963, H. L. Carson, pp. 151, 154, 162, 163
i gotta pee i will get back to ya. +5
Who says they were white?
I believe different races and languages happened after the tower of babel was attempted and god scattered the people. Genesis 11.
1) Black people evolved from Homo erectus, like the rest of us. Further information: 2) "A literal interpretation of Genesis 10 suggests that the present population of the world was descended from Noah's three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and their wives. Until the mid-19th century, this was taken by many as historical fact, and still is by many Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Many others regard the list as part of Jewish folk legend. There are disputes about how many of the peoples of the Earth this story was intended to cover, and as to its accuracy. Many Jews, Christians, and Muslims retain the belief that the table applies to the entire population of the earth. In the Biblical view, the listed children of Japheth, Shem and Ham correspond to various historic nations and peoples. In the typical interpretation, these sons of Noah correspond to three races: European, Semitic, and African. Others read it as a guide only to local ethnic groups. Secular scholarship rejects the historicity of the list, and holds instead that the genealogy is merely a traditional one, aimed at explaining the relations between the ethnic groups of the ancient Near East, perhaps re-edited at the time of the text's final composition in the 7th century BC." Source and further information:
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