• Nobody knows. It is yet impossible to create a gravity disturbance faster than the speed of light, so it is therefore impossible to tell whether a gravity disturbance itself can exceed that speed.
  • +5 Please do not tell anyone where you heard this answer. There are some that would be upset with me telling you these things. But you should know. A gravitational disturbance can be artificially produced with a magnetic flux inducer. It works with a Magnetron tube to produce a microwave laced with a magnetic field. The practical aspect is that a hole is punched into the very fabric of space and with this hole produce by the micro/magnetic field a worm hole is produced. I hope I have brought this down to a 2009 understanding. Let me know if this is understandable and I will share more.
  • blink, blink, huh?
  • A black hole might answer this...but no one has been able to clock or figure a black hole either so...

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