Sure, we never use the full capacity of our imaginations so who is to say this figment person can't tap into what we don't use.
No,...they arent real......maybe smarter in your imagination.
You know RFlag you might have something there - LOL -
You mean my imaginary friend? SHe must be, because she's hanging round with someone else now. LOLOL
If you can imagine it, it's probably possible.
If that's how you imagine them.
no of course not. they are not real. they are just figments of your imagination.
i suppose so, they must be if they can convince you that they are only part of your imagination.
Ask them a question you don't know the answer to. Then go look the answer up in a book. If they're right, they;re smarter than you. :)
mostly the figments of my imagination are smarter, thinner, prettier and definately luckier than me. but they are also sappier and more melodramatic, so that might balance things out.
I would think that figment would be as equally intelligent since they are in our own imagination.
Only if you think they are, after all it's your imagination.
I believe so, but it really just depends.
I should imagine so
Just want to let you know I love this question! And yes...I believe you think they're smarter than they really are...they are who you want them to be, they're not real.
If you imagine them to be smarter, then it is possible. In the real world a figment could not literally be smarter than you since they do not actually exist.
In theory they can't know anything that you don't know. However, it is not always what you know that counts, but what you have the capacity to learn/guess. For example, an imaginary friend could not know the exact population of the world if you don't; however, that does not stop your imagination being able to have a good guess at it and appear to have known the fact all along. Also everybody knows a lot more than they think they do, a wealth of information is in your subconcious that you cannot remember, but an imaginary friend is not confined to knowledge stored in the concious part of the brain. So to sum up- no they can't be smarter than you, but they can trick you into thinking they are. But isn't that quite a smart move from your imagination? Maybe we are all a lot smarter than we can 'imagine'!
Not only possible, but necessary in order to up the ante... what else is there to compete against in order to Xcell!!
Sure, my invisible friend is alot smarter than I am :)
The people in my head are smarter, they keep me from getting caught!
Yes, nearly all my figments of my imagination are much smarter than I'll ever be.
yes i could be as smart as you want him or her to be
Am I a figment of your imagination, or are you one of mine ... ???
Not at all. The person in your imagination would have the same intelligence as you.
If you made them, they can't know more than you without you knowing it first. So, no. You can imagine that they are smarter than you, but in reality (well, imaginitive reality..) they won't be.
i really love your question,that was an excellent question.the first thing that it made me think of was arthur conan doyle,he would never have gone down in history as being particularly intelligent for anything that he had ever wrote.but this same person created the most famous detective in all of history,Sherlock Holmes.the only reason that conan doyle will ever be remembered is because of that figment of his imagination,Sherlock Holmes.
Depends on your imagination
Sure, if you're schizophrenic.
I read a case study in my psychology class about a schizophrenic who would spend hours talking to the voices in her head, she had real, in-depth conversations with them and admitted that she sometimes received advice from them that was helpful. If you consider the voices in her head has figments of her imagination, then technically they had more insight than she did on the given scenarios. So maybe it is possible if you're crazy enough :).
Yes, but they're never allowed to prove it.
They all are but I lock them away in my mind in order that nobody else finds out.
i dont think so because if they are a figment of YOUR imagination then obviously they are a part of YOUR brain and therefore cant be smarter than you.
No, because if it comes from your own mind... it can't know anything you don't know.
Unless its your conciseness; sometimes your conciseness can be smarter than you.
I just asked her if she was smarter than me. She said yes. :D
Sure my freind beetlebum tells me this all the time lol
Would this "person" be your alter ego? Perhaps someone is using your mind as a conduit...perhaps an other worldly creature, someone from another time..if that is true, than certainly he/she could be significantly smarter.
It is many YOU, not just the one. The figment that you imagine might be just one of your own personalities that is projecting itself into your imagination. You might be smarter than you think.
Yes the person i talk to constantly is very much more intelligent than myself. At least they always give me the answer that I wish to hear.
It's possible for a person who is a figment of your imagination to be anything you imagine them to be.
I guess if you are just assuming they are
I believe that they can appear smarter to the person who is imagining them. However, if they answer questions the said person asks, it is just knowledge the person has blocked out, in order to continue to be able to "idolize" this imagined person. In reality, an imagined person is really just a part of the person imagining them.
no and yes. it cant be smarter because it only knows what your brain knows, which is what u know. and yes because u might have represed memories and the person thats your figment of you emagination might know how to get those hiden memories u dont recal. also if you feel like hes smart dont u know what he knows? he might have the same brain but could have a different personality?
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