Stephen Spielberg
Francis Copola...I love his work with Apocolypse Now.
Ingmar Bergman -- Seventh Seal, Silent spring, Wild Strawberries,
tony or ridley scott
george lucas
I have to go with george Lucas. Star Wars did it.
Alfred Hitchcock, for he was ,at that time, in the forefront of movie filming technique and broke many boundaries in filming provocative subjects in a unique manner.
how can one pick just one when there is so many diferent movies made that are great by diferent directors, I myself know movie titles better than directors, but I know my favorites are all from diferent directors.
Martin Scorsese.
Scorcese. I'm a great admirer. He's flashy and original but that never deters from what an excellent story teller he is. I love Goodfellas, Raging Bull, The color of Money and many others.
Terry Gilliam: 12 Monkeys, Brazil, Adventures of Baron Manchusen, Time Bandits. Not to mention his work with Monty Python.
Tim Burton. The atmostphere of his movies, the wonderfully grim surrealism, the way that every moment of his movies looks like something out of a dream. It's simply amazing.
Quentin Tarantino
Sam Raimi. There's just something about the 'Evil Dead' movies that I love. I don't know what it is.
Alfred Hitchcock.
Stanley Kubrick and Peter Jackson are in my top five, but my list of favorites is long and includes many, many classics.
the big dog..Steven Speilberg
Kevin Smith.
The ultime question for any film lover. Three names come to my mind: Krzysztof Kieslowski who did THE DECALOGUE, THE DOUBLE LIFE OF VERONICA (My choice for my favorite movie of all-time) and the THREE COLORS TRILOGY; David Cronenberg mostly for his anticipation films like CRASH and EXISTENZ and the gorgeous NAKED LUNCH; and finally my choice if i had only one, the master of all, Stanley Kubrick. This guy reinvented the limits of this art form with ambitious films like 2001: A SPACE ODDYSSEY and THE CLOCKWORK ORANGE. He was always years in advance for the treatment of his subjects. He could have done more, but he's done everything right until the end.
Probably Kurosawa but thats just of right now I mean theres so many genius filmmakers of the past and present and in different countries and what not. It's just way to much of a toss up to just pick one but as of right now this is the one that pops up.
Spike Lee rocks!
Spike Lee rocks!
John Waters.
The Coen Brothers. O Brother Where Art Thou? Fargo
Stanley Kubrick and Quentin Tarantino!
Guy Ritchie - I love everyone of his movies
rainer fassbinder... lars vor trier... i absolutely love PEDRO ALMODOVAR!!!!!
Not always in the same order: Wim Wenders Hayao Miyazaki Luis Bunuel Ingmar Bergman Jim Jarmusch Federico Fellini Rainer Fassbinder Stanley Kubrick
Jerry Brookheimer!! Awesome work. He is a director isn't he?
I can't pick just one but here are my favorite directors, and their best work (that I've seen)- Charlie Chaplin - The Gold Rush Woody Allen - Manhatten Lasse Hallstrom - Chocolat Sydney Pollack - Tootsie Tim Burton - Ed Wood Hal Ashby - Can pick one. :) Mind you, those aren't the "greatest" directors nessecarily (speilberg, scorsese, tarentino) they're just my personal favorites.
Quentin Tarantino. I know he's not a popular answer anymore because for some reason he's looked down on by the "sophisticated" crowd, but the man is a genius, with directing, writing, and getting the most out of all of his actors.
Tim Burton
Francis Ford Coppola Sergio Leone Ridley Scott
david lynch,tim burton,quantin tarantino,Alejandro AmenΓ‘bar,Steven Spielberg,woody allen l like all of them styles
Alfred Hitchcock.
Ron Howard
Hitchcock, by far yo...
Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
It's between Tim Burton, David Lynch and Alfred Hitchcock for me.
Stanley Kubrick +4
luc besson
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